Is there any food that seagulls don’t like to eat?

Seagulls eat all kinds of food, but use only a small amount of plant food.

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Is there any food that seagulls do not like to eat?

Niklas Härkönen, 5

Finished are really very omnivorous. Their menu in the wild includes insects, worms, mussels, crabs, small mammals, birds and fish.

Seagulls are also good at taking advantage of new eating opportunities. They have learned to use, for example, food left by people, such as waste.

The access of seagulls to bio-waste has been prevented in recent years at waste stations, which has significantly reduced the number of seagulls in the areas.

Seagulls also steal food from other animal species. Grabbing ice creams and other people’s food is a topic of conversation every summer in Helsinki, for example.

However, seagulls use only a small amount of plant food. For example, fruits and seeds are good for them. Instead, seagulls very rarely eat hay, plant leaves, algae or mushrooms. Among human foods, for example, salads are not their great delicacy.

Aleksi Lehikoinen



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