Terror and eroticism, axes of volume 2 of Narrativa Hispanoamericana

Tales of terror and eroticism Greedy y The star actby the Mexican writer Mon M. Silva, appear in the anthology New Hispanic American Narrative: Contemporary Stories Volume 2which brings together prominent authors from Spanish-speaking countries.

Edited by the Chilean literary agency Factor Literario, the publication includes texts that explore the deepest fears and the most disturbing tensions, from supernatural horrors to human dangers. There are also stories of romance and eroticism, where desire, passion and vulnerability reveal the complexity of human relationships.

In interview with The DayMon M. Silva highlights the effort of Factor Literario to constantly make calls that allow the dissemination of new pens in the literary world. He adds that the anthology It is an enriching book for the reader due to the panoramic nature of the literary offering in Spanish-speaking countries. In this volume 2, the guiding axes are suspense-terror and romance-eroticism, themes in which I particularly like to develop my stories..

The literary sector faces a great challenge

The author, journalist and philosopher considers that “independent publishers play a crucial role in offering a platform for works that do not necessarily follow commercial trends, but that have high cultural and social value.

On the other hand, the literary sector faces a great challenge derived from editorial concentration and the limited distribution of emerging literature; That is why a more reflective literary panorama must be promoted, where ideas and human experiences are the center of the discourse, instead of simple consumer products, taking into account reflecting complex realities and giving visibility to deep human experiences, especially in times of crisis. .

Silva believes that it is necessary reinforce and expand the dissemination of new generations of Mexican writers in solid coordination with clear objectives between State and society.

Regarding her stories that are included in the anthology, the author explains that “both stories are the result of the participation that I have monthly in the magazine Siglo80MilUno, directed by Diego Velbetán, director of the publishing house El Viaje y el Camino, with whom I worked in 2020, the year of the pandemic, and thanks to which I published my first anthology, titled Experiences of Year Zero, Side B of the covid-19 Pandemic. The magazine stands out for choosing a monthly theme as its guiding axis, which in this case was horror, to Greedy and lust for The stellar act.

Greedy is a horror story about the dark pleasure of a woman who enjoys the taste of her own flesh, leading her into a spiral of increasingly intense and disturbing desires, while The star act is a story of eroticism where an ex-convict, who works in a circus, feels an intense attraction for a clown, bringing her forbidden desire to a wild encounter full of danger.

The author shares that to create suspense or tension in some of her stories, she starts from real situations in which the reader can identify and resorts to characters located in familiar, but always adverse, environments. Involved in some conflict that keeps them on the edge. To achieve this, the description of the character or his environment is relevant.

His closeness to journalistic topics and the taste he has always had for reading, first for the classics of literature and, later, for contemporary works of fiction, made Mon M. Silva venture into the short story genre.

“I started writing when I was eight or nine years old. I remember that at that time my main inspiration came from a children’s encyclopedia from the 50s, which was probably my dad’s (I still have it), titled The children’s golden book. They were illustrated stories that caught my attention a lot. A couple of years later, at the beginning of adolescence, I wrote down ideas, thoughts and some phrases that arose from new experiences. Growing up, I started taking creative writing courses and workshops, where I learned to write with structure and more meaning. At the same time, having studied journalism led me to focus on non-fiction, and learn to write all journalistic genres. My favorite has always been the essay.”

To develop her characters and plots, the author explains that she first finds a theme, for example, whether it will be science fiction, romance, horror, etc., and from there she thinks of a story that seems impactful to her and with it the characters emerge. . Generally I speak of people located in today’s world, with all that this implies, the feeling of loneliness, of absences and shortcomings, of the thoughts that consume people after bitter situations in life.

In the talk, Silva admits that among the genres he prefers the narrative and as a subgenre, for the moment, he focuses on stories that They have tragic, dramatic overtones and a certain degree of crudeness.

When remembering her adolescence and love of reading, the author says that she loved the story The Horlaby Guy de Maupassant. I think it caused a before and after in me, although at the time I was not so aware of it.. Other books that have impacted him through his writing are The second varietyde Philip K. Dick; Don’t blame anyoneby Julio Cortazar; and The country of the last thingsby Paul Auster.

Mon M. Silva is considered a risky and daring author due to the themes of her writing. He recalled that on one occasion he wrote a story about child abuse and it generated controversy over whether it should be published. When I wrote it, I thought it was important to address the topic to make visible a fact that unfortunately is real all over the world and sometimes, unfortunately, goes unpunished. However, as it is a sensitive topic, opinions were very polarized..

The New Hispanic American Narrative: Contemporary Stories Volume 2which includes writers from Chile, Colombia, Spain, Uruguay, Ecuador and Mexico, is for sale through jainospromociones.com, visionmx.com or by contacting Silva directly on his social networks.

The author also reported that tomorrow at 7 p.m. she will present her collection of poems Bitter Coffee Login the La Increíble bookstore (Juan de la Barrera 112, Condesa neighborhood).

By Editor