An electric motor promises to revolutionize the autonomy of cars: 150 km more with record efficiency

The Chinese company GAC, under its Hyptec brand, has presented its new Quark Electric Drive 2.0 electric motor, which promises to mark a before and after in the automotive sector. With an efficiency of 98.5% and a revolution speed of 30,000 rpm, this engine could extend the autonomy of the electric cars in 50 km and extended range vehicles in up to 150 km, without the need to increase the capacity of the batteries.

The Quark Electric Drive 2.0 stands out for its density of power of 13 kW/kg and for using magnets made of a soft amorphous alloy, also known as “liquid metal.” This material has a permeability between 20 and 100 times greater than traditional steel, which allows energy loss to be significantly reduced. Additionally, the magnets are extremely thin, barely a quarter of the size. thickness of a sheet of A4 paper, which contributes to improving the efficiency and autonomy of the engine.

Hyptec, which recently changed its name and announced its arrival in the European market, specializes in high-performance electric sports cars. Its SSR model, which has more than 1,200 horsepower and accelerates 0 to 100 km/h in less than two seconds is emerging as the main candidate to integrate this revolutionary engine.

GAC’s innovation not only means greater performance of electric vehicles, but also a significant reduction in carbon emissions. According to the company, the Quark Electric Drive 2.0 has the potential to save up to 90 billion kW/h per year, which is equivalent to the electricity generated by the Three Gorges Dam. Likewise, it is estimated that could reduce CO2 emissions by 68 million tons.

The arrival of this engine joins other recent advances from Hyptec, such as its intelligent digital chassis, presented in early August. This chassis allows the vehicle to make a U-turn with a minimum radius of only 3.4 meters, 40% less than usual. In addition, it has an electronic differential lock, which improves safety when facing complicated situations, such as water accumulation at high speeds.

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