The butoh dancer and choreographer, Espartaco Martínez, who has performed the work on several occasions Heart Sutra, sensory experience around the human condition and the need for emotional liberation, will present a book today in the lobby of the Miguel Alemán House of the Los Pinos Cultural Complex in Chapultepec about that teaching related to returning to the origin of life.

the book Heart Sutra, from the Eko publishing house, it is not only a literary work, but also an artistic object; Each copy is the manifestation of countless lives and efforts that evoke and incite a multisensory experience given to the reader as an offering.

Martínez shares that The Sutra expounds universal principles that are not limited to any place or time. It alludes to the essential nature of existence. It is a teaching that consists of letting go of suffering, observing the truth as it is and accepting it and living life happily..

The emptiness

The work, which included the collaboration of the writer Laura Emilia Pacheco and Miriam Martínez, is an adaptation of the popular and profound Japanese text, which comes from a translation from Chinese from the 7th century. The essential concept is emptiness, so difficult to grasp that, on the contrary, it captures us.added the dancer.

In the presentation, Heart Sutra will transform into a performance multidisciplinary in which, in addition to Espartaco Martínez, Sakiko Yokoo, director of the project and Eko House of Japanese Culture, will participate.

There will also be the intervention of master Toshiaki Iida, 89, an expert in shodo art, who will perform large-format calligraphy live. It will reproduce a fragment of the ancient Sutra in the traditional Japanese way called Shakyo, a contemplative practice based on transcribing Buddhist scriptures using calligraphy.

The atmosphere will be transformed by the music on site by Pedro José Delgadillo Peñafiel Nemo, who with his sensitivity will lead the public on a transcendental journey.

The work is presented today at 2 p.m. in Los Pinos (Calzada del Rey s/n, first section of Bosque de Chapultepec).

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