What does quantum physics mean for humanity? The philosopher Tobias Rees in an interview

Humanity is in a stage where its most fundamental terms are no longer sufficient, says philosopher Tobias Rees. Why quantum physics will force us to understand the world radically differently.

Tobias Rees is a philosopher and founder of Limn, a R&D studio at the interface of philosophical research, artistic practice and technological development. Rees is also a senior visiting fellow in Google’s Quantum Ai Lab and advisor to the Las Foundation. Before that, Rees was a professor at McGill University, at the New School, director at the Berggruen Institute in Los Angeles and founder of the Tofth School, an attempt to build a new Bauhaus. He wrote seven books, advises large technology companies and has been working closely with artists for more than two decades. Together with the quantum physicist Hartmut Neven, he also looked after Laure Prouvost’s work for her Berlin installation “We Felt a Star Dying”.

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