Kiinteistöliitto: The maintenance costs of housing associations will also increase this year

However, there are large differences in the development of costs by locality.

Building societies treatment costs will increase considerably this year as well, Real Estate Association tells. However, there are large differences in the development of costs by locality.

Kiinteistöliitto estimates that the average maintenance costs of district-heated apartment buildings will increase by two to four percent in large cities. In Helsinki and Espoo, costs rise less than in other big cities. In the capital, the cost of care is moderated by the cheaper district heating.

In many municipalities, however, the heating costs increase considerably more. For example, heating costs will increase significantly in Vihti, Järvenpää, Tuusula, Rauma, Jyväskylä, Hämeenlinna and Tampere.

Water fees are also on the rise. For example, in Tampere, the cost of water will rise by up to 14 percent, according to Kiinteistöliito. Cost increases of ten percent can be expected in the capital region’s large cities.

In addition, there will be increases in waste fees, although less than in the previous two years.

According to Kiinteistöliito, building societies must also take into account possible changes in municipal property tax rates.

By Editor

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