Helsingin Sanomat is renewing their stock market news – the paper magazine stock market stops

In the context of a stock exchange news reform, the publication page on the print version of Helsingin Sanomat will end.

Helsinki Sanomat is renewing their stock market news from Thursday 30 January. In the future, we also analyze, in addition to news tracking, stock exchange movements, for example, in the form of a weekly issue in the form of a weekly issue, which will look at the most interesting stock market phenomena of the past week and to look at the most interesting events of the coming week.

The purpose of the reform is to serve readers interested in saving and investing, among other things. In addition, we regularly analyze the toughest and skiers on the Helsinki Stock Exchange and strive to open the reasons for readers behind these course movements.

In connection with the reform, we will end, for example, stock prices, exchange rates, exchange rate and Euribor and guidance rates in the paper magazine publication. The page will be published for the last time on Wednesday, January 29th. As a result of the reform, the number of pages in the print magazine will not change.

“The stock market page is a traditional form of service that has long been value in the eyes of readers interested in investing. This kind of back -looking image no longer has the same meaning. Real -time data is widely available from the network from different sources,” recalls HS editor -in -chief Antero mukka.

Nearly Real -time information on the development of stock courses will continue to be available at the Stock Exchange Service on the Helsingin Sanomat website at: hs.fi/porssi. This data has a 15 minute delay.

“HS has determined to strengthen Talouselämä’s news and analysis in recent years. For example, HS Vision has been an important addition to the daily news of the economy. In our digital channels, there will continue to be up -to -date course data. In the print magazine, we will try to analyze the most interesting phenomena and twists and turns on the stock exchange in the future, including forward, ”says Mukka.

“Equity investment is an integral part of the lives of many of our readers. As a magazine, we strive to provide a weekly offering relevant and meaningful utility journalism that the reader experiences as a worthwhile advantage. ”

By Editor

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