Due to the tax and peer rise, the collection rose 5.6% real in January

After closing 2024 with a real drop of 5.5% product of adjustment and recession measures, the collection started the year with a rise of 5.6% year -on -year in real terms in January, encouraged by the rise of some taxes and a tax improvement linked to internal activity, which allowed to compensate for the non -renewal of the country tax last December.

Resources reached $ 15 billion, an increase of 95.2% in nominal terms. And as inflation in that period is estimated that it was 85% year -on -year, income recorded a positive variation of 5.6% in real terms, according to the calculation of Nadín Argañaraz, head of the Iaraf.

“The extra tax collection that was at the hands of Nation during January 2025, allowed more than compensating for the collection that the country tax had had For the same month, since in turn it allowed to finance the decline in export rights, personal goods and import rights, “said Argañaraz.

At the far end, The taxes that increased the most in real terms were liquid fuels with 208%, followed by Social Security with 40% and profits with 36%. The Government increased the price of fuels last year and lowered the floor from which employees pay earnings, while ordered by the advance payment of personal goods to taxpayers of greater fortunes.

In that context, profits contributed $ 2.5 billion in January increase in employee withholdings in dependency and retired relationship.

“This is due to a lower comparison base because in January 2024 the parameters applied from the accrued October 2023 were impacted where those subjects with a monthly gross remuneration of less than $ 1,980,000 and the entry into force of the cedular tax did not pay the tax For the remuneration paid in the first fortnight of 2024, which established a non -taxable minimum equivalent to 15 vital and mobile minimum wages ($ 2,340,000) and a new scale for the remuneration achieved. Ark pointed out.

In the case of Social Security, the agency reported that the contribution was $ 4.3 billion thanks to Increased average gross remuneration and the increase in the maximum limit of the tax base of contributions of employees compared to the previous year, which is updated monthly.

Meanwhile, VAT, which is the main engine of collection, grew just 1% real, but contributed $ 5.3 billion.

Among the taxes that registered a setback in real terms, the country tax fell 100% year -on -year, export rights, 54.3%; Personal goods, 20.3%; and import rights, 17.1%.

According to the 2025 budget project, the Government plans to keep its tax revenues in relation to GDP and projects a real 5% economy for this year. “To achieve this objective, real tax revenues should increase at least at the same rate,” said the Iaraf.

By Editor

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