The wait is over: the 2025 edition of the Salone del Mobile, scheduled from 8 to 13 April at Fiera Milano Rho, promises to be a very rich event and a big news revealed today during the presentation of the next edition: CI will be an installation dedicated to universal sentiment signed by the Oscar winner Paolo Sorrentino, it is titled “The sweet expectation”.
It is a metaphor for existence that will offer the opportunity to stop to listen to its breath to find beauty in the time that flows slowly. A void to be filled or an opportunity to welcome. Because, as the Neapolitan director says “The wait is anguish. The sweet expectation is a journey. Which stuns and hypnotizes “. With over 2,000 exhibitors Coming from 37 countries, the salon is confirmed as the international leading event for the furniture and design sector.
“We closed the 2024 edition with record numbers: beyond 370 thousand operators from 146 countries. This year the salon arrives in April with an exhibition surface, once again, sold out, despite the uncertainties of the global scenarios “explained Maria Porro, president of the Salone del Mobile in Milan on the occasion of the presentation of the event in the press. Numbers in hand, the hall represents a very close -up economic reality: the overall turnover of the Italian brands present at the event amounts to 9.2 billion euros, equal to 34% of the turnover of the entire Macro National Furniture System. To this are added almost 7 billion euros generated by foreign brands, confirming a sector in continuous expansion. Among the most anticipated news of the Salone 2025 there is the return of the Euroluce Biennale.
“After the success of the renewed 2023 format, Euroluce 2025 promises to be a very high level edition – intervened Carlo Urbinati, president of Absolute of Federlegnoarredo – With a large participation of companies, large and small, of the sector and a significant return of foreign brands, confirming how much Salone del Mobile is a strategic appointment especially for a sector such as that of the lighting it has Export quotas that touch 80% of the production “. The event will occupy over 32,000 square meters, with more than 300 brands from 25 countriesreiterating the importance of light as a central element in contemporary design.
To sanction this centrality, for the first time, the Euroluce International Lighting Forum (10-11 April), an event dedicated to deepening and research on light as an instrument of innovation, sustainability and emotion. As per tradition, the Salone del Mobile is not only exposure, but also culture and experimentation. The 2025 edition will see three site-specific installations signed by big names of the international art and cinematographic scene: next to that of the director Paolo Sorrentino, there is Pierre-Yves Rochon with Villa Héritage and Robert Wilson with Mother. It begins with the famous American artist at the Pietà Rondanini – Castello Sforzesco Museum, where on April 6, in an ideal bridge with Milan Art Week, he will dialogue with the untrue of Michelangelo’s last masterpiece, on music by Arvo Pärt (until 18 May). To open the path of visit to the lounge will be, the sweet expectation, Sori-Specific installation of Sorrentino, who entrusted himself to the contribution of the scenographer Margherita Palli.
“The idea that I came to me is to dismantle what are the stylistic features of classical waiting and to create a place where the wait is deceived – explained the Neapolitan director in an audio broadcast during the press conference to present the salon -, a room that does not force us to stay still on a chair but that instead makes us travel, with a central totem that with a play of light makes us forget why we are there and distract us “.
The visit to the fair continues with an invitation to discover Villa inheritance, Visionary interior project signed by Pierre-Yves Rochon, French architect author among the most exclusive “addresses” of international hospitality, not least Waldorf Astoria in New York. Another load -bearing column of the Salone is the SaloneSatellite, the most important international observatory for young designers under 35. The 2025 edition will see the participation of 700 designers and 20 international schools and universities. The salon is not limited to the exhibition spaces, but expands to the whole city of Milan, creating a dialogue between design, architecture and culture. In collaboration with the Teatro alla Scala, director Robert Wilson will take care of the opening evening with The Night Before. Object Chairs Opera, a journey into the opera repertoire with the participation of the soprano Marina Rebeka and the Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala, directed by Michele Spotti. The Salone del Mobile is not only a fair, but a real industrial policy tool, As Claudio Feltrin, president of Federletagnarredo points out:
“There is no more powerful tool of the Salone for industrial challenges in the sector. Over the years, the event has been able to evolve, keeping its center of gravity of the business fair, the most attractive and important for L’Ensivo Industria “. A thought shared also by the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala.
“Milan and the Salone del Mobile are part of each other’s history. I find that the theme chosen for the 63rd edition – enlightened humanism – is a powerful creative stimulus For all those who operate in the field of design “. “There is an extraordinary connection between the Salone del Mobile and Milan, they are values created over time and that must be carried out” he added, “there are, compared to the salon, common characteristics with the city how to look forward, to understand trends Of the future, the attitude to solve problems also. And by the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, who intervened on video connection.
“The Salone del Mobile is an international leading event and an indispensable point of reference for Milan and Lombardy”. According to the governor, in fact, it is “a trampoline for all of Lombardy with its set of skills, actors and Success stories, through the protagonism of companies, professionals, designers, designers and architects who contribute decisively to Lombard and Made in Italy excellence “.