Lower the light bill at what it costs. This is the number one priority of Clean Industrial Deal (Clean Industrial Pact) that the European Commission presented yesterday, a new package of measures to shield the economic competitiveness of the twenty -seven without ceasing to wave the flag of sustainability, at least, not totally. The Brussels Action Plan urges member states to agree A “more conducive fiscal framework” for electricityspecifically, it has asked its governments to relieve the tax burden of light that pay homes and industries.

In Spain, companies and citizens will contribute this year to public coffers through their invoices with 14.4 billion euros in tax and charges, according to the figures that manage internally in the energy sector. In detail, the collection forecast for this year is 7.3 billion of euros through the VAT of electricity, of 1.9 billion in the 7% tax on electrical production (IVPEE) and 1.7 billion through the Special Electricity Tax. These are the three major fiscal figures that fattening the receipt.

Brussels analysis is clear: “The average energy prices in Europe are higher than those of our commercial partners, guaranteeing affordable energy is a key condition for the competitiveness of our industry.” For the presiding institution Ursula von der Leyen That is the “cornerstone” of the package verdein part, to justify in investors, companies and citizens the efforts of the ecological transition: “The transmission of the benefits of a cheaper energy to the end users will support the commercial argumentation of the industry to invest in electrification and decarbonization. “

The recipe is as clear as the diagnosis: release ballast in the receipt, starting with the electro -intense industry, whose factories are more exposed to the price of light. In Spain alone, the tax collection for the electricity consumed by these business colossi will 350 million in 2025according to sector sources.

He Clean Industrial Deal Remember that the European Directive on Energy Taxation allows to reduce the imposition of electricity to zero for high energy consumption industries. In addition, Brussels has announced that soon it will issue a recommendation to the governments of the twenty -seven to “effectively reduce” that tax burden “in a profitable way.”

Until then, to provide short -term relief, “Member States should also reduce levels of imposition on electricity and eliminate levies that finance policies not related to energy“, says the commission document.

In our country the rates that are incorporated into the receipt to pay for issues of energy policy are the positions of the electrical system, a game that will be predictably affected by the new community framework. It is a type of regulated costs that are added to the receipt to finance, among other issues, subsidies to certain clean energies, the energy production costs in the non -peninsular territories or the payment of the electrical debt. Every year they are determined by the Ministry for Ecological Transition.

Facing this exercise, the portfolio that directs Sara Aagesen He has raised the charges again -as well as other regulated costs, such as the social bonus for vulnerable consumers -, after three years of decaffeinated rates to contain the inflationist spiral. The total cost of net charges for 2025 amounts to 3.5 billion eurosaccording to the projections of the Ministry. For a type consumer, the cost of this item will involve 33% more against the amount of the previous year.

To understand the distribution of light costs, Red Eléctrica, the public company that manages the high voltage network and operates the national electrical system, reegured the receipt items in the case of an average domestic consumer welcomed to the regulated rate. Although it dates from 2019, the reference is valid as it is a year of normaloblivious to the historical pricing and successive fiscal discounts that the receipt in Spain has experienced in recent years after the war in Ukraine. For an annual electrical cost of 793 euros, the operator calculated that only 33% would correspond to the purchase of energy in the market, while 46% served to pay for the regulated part of tolls and system charges. The remaining 21% would correspond to taxes.

In Europe they already put figures to the fiscal relief of the new plan verde. The energy commissioner, And Jorgensenspecified that the fiscal actions listed could lead to savings worth 45,000 million euros already in 2025, when the commission hopes to apply most of the action plan. This figure would progressively increase to 130,000 million annually by 2030, and will grow to 260,000 million annually by 2040, according to Brussels forecasts.

But, at the national level, laminar the fiscal burden of the electric receipt would open a lake Not only to the Tax Agency, but also to the electrical system itself. In 2023, the Bank of Spain estimated between 4,700 and 5,500 million euros the budget impact of the temporal reduction of the VAT of electricity and gas, and between 2,400 and 2.8 billion the reduction of the Special Tax to Electricity, which the Government applied between 2022 and 2023 to contain the coup of the electrical crisis. In addition, the national electrical system has phagocyted the accumulated surplus until 2023, of more than 6,000 million euros, precisely, to compensate for taxes and other electrical receipt costs approved within the framework of the light crisis. The ghost of the rate deficit overflows to Spain and Brussels points to the flotation line of the system accounts.

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