Confesercenti, weather and low fares push travel in September

Warm weather and ‘low season’ rates are giving a boost to tourism in September. The arrival of 100,000 tourists in accommodation facilities is expected this month 15 million tourists for a total of 50.2 million overnight stays, 0.6% more than in September 2023. This is the estimate made by the Centro Studi Turistici per Assoturismo Confesercenti.

A positive trend, therefore, even if companies hope to further improve employment rates with the decisions starting soon. The most optimistic trends are expected for companies in cities of art (+2.4%), rural and hill towns (+2.1%). A slight growth is also expected for lake towns (+0.9%) and “other interest” (+0.8%), while for seaside (-0.5%), mountain (-0.6%) and spa (-1.2%) locations the forecasts are for substantial stability or a slight contraction in demand.

The contraction in demand was also felt in the summer quarter, with a Tourist season below expectations: according to our estimates, writes Confesercenti, overnight stays between June and August decreased by 0.7%, for a decrease of 1.4 million presences compared to last year. The drop in Italian demand (-2.9%), with strong values decrease in seaside resorts (-4.1%), thermal (-5.3%) and lakes (-3.7%). In absolute terms, 105.4 million overnight stays by Italians are estimated for the summer quarter, compared to 108.6 million in 2023.

The cooling of domestic demand was recorded by all companies in the tourism sector, in particular by beach resorts and restaurants. Even the accommodation facilities suffered the effects of a lower spending capacity of Italians which have further reduced the length of stays and consequently increased the costs of managing businesses. Overall, the average stay of guests has fallen to 3.9 nights from 4.0 in 2023, the demand for additional services has also decreased and interest in accommodations at lower rates has increased to better control the holiday budget.

The dynamism of bookings recorded at the beginning of the season suggested a rather promising summer quarter, but to date the results seem to be below expectations not only for seaside, mountain and spa resorts, but also for destinations not interested in international tourism. Which, instead, went well:‘the increase in foreigners is estimated at +1.6%, felt more in the hotel sector (+2.4%), but also in complementary structures (+0.9%). In absolute terms, estimated overnight stays rise to over 105.1 million, compared to 103.4 million in 2023. An increase that, however, is not enough to compensate for the decline in domestic demand.

The the market downturn was felt in all areas of the country, with the exception of accommodation facilities located in the North-West regions which reported a value of substantial stability or very slight growth (+0.4%), thanks to the increase in foreign tourists (+2.2%). The North-East regions recorded the worst result (-1%) with a significant drop in Italians (-2.9%) and despite the increase in foreigners (+0.5%). In the regions of The estimate of the result is -0.8%, determined by the decrease in Italians (-3.5%) and a parallel increase in foreigners (+1.9%). For the Southern regions and the Islands the estimate is -0.6%: the estimated presence of Italians is -2.8% compared to an increase of foreigners of +4.1%.

By Editor

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