Brigitte Bardot on her 90th birthday: Myth BB

Actress, singer, animal rights activist, right-wing populist: Brigitte Bardot, the star who once outshone all other stars, is 90 years old.

Among other talents, Brigitte Bardot must be a gifted poker player. At least that’s what the director Klaus Lemke, who died in 2022 – he is missing every day – reported from painful personal experience: “Bardot shot ‘Shalako’ with Sean Connery in Almería. While playing poker in her hotel suite, Madame took seventy thousand dollars from my producer Peter Berling. We got them from the Italian world distributor. For her. For her signing a preliminary contract for a film that I was supposed to make. Now she had seventy. And we nothing. Nobody warned us about the Bardot.”

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