‘Physics or Chemistry’ returns “equally groundbreaking” but more diverse and with “problems of now” in ‘foq. The new generation ‘

‘Physics The Chemistry’ It premiered in 2008 and became one of the most emblematic teenage series of Spanish fiction. Atresplayer has opted to renew the format with ‘Foq. The new generation ‘a continuation with a new cast that will arrive at the Atresmedia platform next Sunday, February 16.

We wanted to recover that essence, but bringing it to the present, to the problems and concerns that teenagers have now“Montse García, Fiction director of Atresmedia, has revealed during a press conference that Europa Press has attended. This new generation is, according to Garcia,” closer and more recognizable “, and one of Atresmedia’s objectives with this Bet has been “more diversity.”

In the production, which will consist of eight episodes of 50 minutes, each chapter will deal with a current issue, among which they will be, as Garcia has advanced, “Mental health, abortion, drugs or racism“, among others.”Abortion was a complex issue, especially because we wanted to give a different perspective to the original series“, Matizes the creator Carlos García Miranda about some of the challenges they have faced when portraying the youth of today.

The mobiles have changed everything, 5G has changed what it is to be a teenager“Garcia Miranda explains.” There are tributes from Chapter one, sequences very similar to those we saw in the original series, but the resolution is very different. In part, for that change of the context, it has nothing to do with 2024 and 2025; It is partly on the mobile, “he argues, adding: “Our idea was to make a series that reflected the problems of teenagers now and that it was equally groundbreaking that the original was at the time“.

“What was transgressive in 2008 is already far exceeded and Now we needed a different look. I think we have achieved it“, Underline Sonia Martínez, Senior Advisor de Buendía Studies, who adds:” In some chapter, you will surely cry. Times have changed, but emotions are still the same“.

Rocío Velayos, María Bernardeau, Biel Antón, Kiko Bena, Miguel Fernández, Esther Improved, Santiago Garzozi, Julia Camus, Carla Domínguez, Biel Castaño and Rocky Panorama of teenage series.

“It is going to compare with elite, it has already been compared, but people are going to realize that they have nothing to do with Velayos comments. “In some things they can compare, because we deal with similar issues, but each one way,” Bernardeau claims.

The best thing about this series is that these issues that are very deep and very hard, but we take them a lot to comedy, which is the reality of how young people are“Rocky has advanced.

Israel Elejalde, Itziar Miranda, Silma López, Cuca Escribano, Alex Sie and Nany Tovar complete the cast as the professors of the Zurbarán College. ‘Foq. The new generation ‘arrives in Atresplayer next Sunday, February 16.

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