Comic festival by Angoulême honors former “Charlie Hebdo” artist Luz

The former editor -in -chief of the religious satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo”, Rénald Luzier alias Luz, was awarded the most important comic award in France at the weekend. At the 52nd Comic Festival of Angoulême he received the Faucve d’Or, the prize for the best publication of the year for the historical art drama “Deux Filles Nues”.

The graphic novel that is under the title in May “Two female semi -files” also appears in German in the Berlin Reproduct Verlag, tells about a painting of the rise of the National Socialists in Germany.

The special thing about it: From the perspective of Otto Mueller’s expressionist image, the entire action is told “two female half -files”, which becomes the main character of history.

A page from the German edition of Luz ‘new book “Two female half-acts”, which will be released in the Reprodukt-Verlag in May (translation: Lilian Pithan).

© Reproduct

“Two female semi -files” was created in 1919 and, after the takeover of Hitler, was one of the works of art, which were defamed by the National Socialists as “Cultural Bolshevik representation of pornographic character” and shown in 1937 in the Munich exhibition “Degrees”.

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Artworks were literally made into enemy images. In it I see a parallel to my own experiences.

Zeichner Luz About the Munich exhibition “degenerate art” 1937

Luz has dealt a lot with this exhibition for his book. “Works of art have literally been made into enemy images,” his publisher quotes the 53-year-old. “In this I see a parallel to my own experiences.” Luz only survived the Islamist attack on “Charlie Hebdo” on January 7, 2015.

Luz became known internationally as a draftsman of the first “Charlie Hebdo” title after the attack and, after the murder of eight of his colleagues, took over the management of the comic and satire magazine ten years ago.

The festival in Angoulême attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year in Comicaffine France.


In October 2015 he left the editorial team and has published several longer comic counts since then. In addition to autobiographical graphic novels such as “Katharsis” and “We were Charlie” over time before and after the attack, the second volume of his literary adaptation “Vernon Subutex” has recently appeared in German.

I wanted to make a historical book and made a current book.


“Two female semi -files” has already received two further critic prices in France before the honor in Angoulême, which is considered the most important European comic festival. “I wanted to make a historical book and made a current book …” said Luz on Saturday evening when awarding the Fauve d’Or in allusion to the growing encouragement for authoritarian and right -wing extremists in many countries.

Honors also for Anouk Ricard and John Romita Jr.

Further prices in Angoulême this year went to the French comic artist Anouk Ricard (Grand Prize of the City of Angoulême), from which the book in German “The experts (for everything)” Modernity appeared at Edition and the US comic artist John Romita Jr., who was awarded an honorary award for his life’s work. In the past 40 years, he has made a name for himself as a draftsman for series such as “The Amazing Spider-Man” and “Daredevil” as well as with new ranks such as “Kick-Ass”.

The French comic author Anouk Ricard was awarded the Grand Prix of Angoulême for her work.


The prize for the best comic for young readers was available for another work that will soon be published in German: the drama “Retour à Tomioka” playing in Japan after the Fukushima disaster in Japan (“Return to Tomioka”) by scenarist Laurent Galandon and drawer Michaël Crouzat. The German translation has been announced for the beginning of May at Bielefeld Splitter-Verlag.

“Return to Tomioka” is scheduled to appear in German in May in May, here is the cover.

© Splitter

In Angoulême, the Belgian draftsman Romain Renard (“Revoir Comanche”) received further awards, only the two -part in German so far „Melvile“ (Splitter) and Belgian Alix Garin (“Impénétrable”), of which only the book in this country so far “Don’t forget me” was translated, which has also been published by Splitter.

Awarded with the Fauve de la Bandes dessinée alternative: the “Hairspray Magazine” published in Berlin.

© Hairspray Magazine

The price for the best alternative comic of the year went to an international group project this year that has its roots in Germany: that of the Danish artist living in Berlin Karla Paloma published „Hairspray Magazine“ Was awarded the fauve de la bungs dessinée alternative. In addition to comics from the editor, it contains works by Elsa Klee, Rikke Villadsen, Martina Sarritzu, Vera Bekema, Noémie Barsolle, Juliette Collet, Simone f. Baumann, Esther Samuels-Davis and Jo Rüßmann.

There were no awards for the four other German draftsmen who were on the selection list of the festival this year. Anke Feuchtenberger, Jennifer Daniel, Marijpol Tanja Esch, had been nominated with the French translations of their current books in the “Sélections Official 2025” – which can already be seen as a great honor for the German comic scene. However, none of the four authors got a prize.

There is a complete list of all awards at the Festival International de la Bandes dessinée d’Angoulême on the Website des festivals.

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