Tomorrow at the Cini Foundation of Venice Conclusion of School Seminar Librai Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri

Tomorrow 31 January, in Venice, at the Giorgio Cini Foundation, the 42nd seminar for the improvement of the school for bookmakers Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri will end, an annual appointment involving Italian and international publishers and booksellers, organized by the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri Foundation with the contribution of Italian books and messaging messengers, in collaboration with the Italian Editori Association, the Italian Librai Association and the Center for Book and Reading.

The final day, edited by Stefano Mauri, is conducted by Giovanna Zucconi: it will have as its title ‘The book between eternity and change’ and can be followed in zoom connection, upon registration at the address

The seminar for the improvement of the school for booksellers Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri has always been an important moment of comparison on the world of the book, in which the different aspects and critical issues of a fundamental activity for the spread of culture are examined Like that of bookstores: management, organization, distribution, marketing and promotion. A laboratory, therefore, in which you want to design, discuss, to know the dynamics of a complex but always vital world that has the book in its center. (follow)

The dense program of the last day: from the book market to the prizes

The works will open at 9.30 Stefano Mauri (vice president of the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri Foundation) and Alberto Ottieri (president of the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri Foundation); Ottieri will introduce and coordinate the ‘market scenarios’; The projections will follow for 2025: where does the expense of Italian families go? by Angelo Tantazzi (Prometia) and the book market in Italy by Innocent Cipolletta (AIE – Italian Editori Association). On this occasion, the AIE data of the Italian book market 2024 will be presented.

At 10.15 Stefano Mauri and Alberto Ottieri will remember Luciano Mauri, founder of the school for booksellers, in the twentieth anniversary of his death. Later, the two prizes of the year will be awarded: the nineteenth prize for Librai Luciano and Silvana Mauri, awarded to the Vittorio Graziani bookseller of the Centofiori bookshop in Milan, and the sixth Nick Perren working bag to the book Chiara Condò of the bookcase Il thought Meridian of Tropea.

The round table will then be held at 11 with protagonists of the five major countries of Europe on the theme ‘constant and variables of the profession of publisher’, coordinated by Stefano Mauri and moderated by Porter Anderson (Publishing Perspectives), in which Jesus Bades will participate (Grupo Planeta ), Véronique Cardi (Editions JC Lattès), Sonia Draga (Sonia Draga Publishing House), Felicitas von Lovenberg (Piper Verlag). At 12.30 the final intervention of the historian and author Alessandro Barbero, entitled ‘Adventures of printers between Florence and Venice in the Renaissance’, which will be followed by the closing greetings of the seminary of Stefano Mauri and Alberto Ottieri.

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