TV 2 host Petra Nagel almost completely undressed
Petra Nagel strikes a blow to the mother’s body and proudly shows off her own body on the front page of the latest issue of Our Children

Petra Nagel adorns the front of the new Our Children to pay tribute to her mother’s body. Photo: Martin Lehmann

One would not think so about Petra Nagel, who has used herself a lot in the DR3 programs ‘Petra dates the whole world’, ‘Petra loves herself’ and ‘Petra gets a baby’, but in reality the TV host is quite embarrassed.

Therefore, Petra also had to think about an extra time when she was called up by the editor-in-chief of Our Children, who wanted her in the magazine to talk about the mother’s body.

But as so many times before, 34-year-old Petra accepted the challenge with open arms because the topic is too important to let go of and because she has so much respect for other mothers who show off their bodies in a skinny honest way.

On that occasion, the TV host appears almost without a shred on the body in the new Our Children, which is on the streets now, and even though she admits that the mother’s body has been given more space in society, there is still a long way to go, Petra points out.

– I can feel these currents of respect in relation to mothers’ bodies, and I can see many more naked mothers in magazines and on social media… but why the hell should we really call it mothers? It’s a body! It has a bit of a negative connotation, she says in the magazine.

Petra Nagel and her boyfriend Asbjørn Munk, 33, have two children, Pelle Emil, three years old, and Rosa, who turns one this spring.

She is a regular host on TV 2’s ‘Go’Aften Live’ and ‘Bachelor’ and author of the book ‘Things I Learned When It Was Too Late’.

Petra Nagel and her boyfriend Asbjørn Munk on the red carpet last year. Photo: Anthon Unger
Petra Nagel and her boyfriend Asbjørn Munk on the red carpet last year. Photo: Anthon Unger

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