Why does eating only rice still increase blood fat?

High blood fat (dyslipidemia) is often caused by eating a lot of fatty foods such as animal fat, red meat or fried foods. Consuming a lot of starch and fast food can increase cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Genetic factors and the aging process can increase the risk of the disease. Lack of exercise also reduces the ability to consume energy, making it easier for fat to accumulate.

Rice is a source of starch, containing mainly carbohydrates. When eating rice, the body converts carbohydrates into glucose to provide energy. This amount of glucose that is not fully used will be converted into fat, stored in the body, leading to increased triglycerides – one of the blood lipid indicators. Increased carbohydrate consumption, especially from refined foods such as white rice, can increase triglycerides, easily causing lipid disorders.

Consuming a lot of white rice can increase the risk of high blood fat. Illustration: Bui Thuy

To control high blood fat, you need to combine many measures, not just adjust the amount of rice you eat every day. First of all, you should maintain a balanced diet, limit refined starches such as white rice and increase fiber from vegetables, whole grains, and protein from fish or beans, nuts. On average, the body needs to absorb 45-65% of calories from carbohydrates each day, which is about 275g with a 2,000 calorie diet, but this amount can change according to needs.

You should exercise regularly, maintaining at least 150 minutes of activity per week to lose weight and improve fat metabolism. Regular monitoring of blood lipids is necessary, especially for people with a history of high blood lipids.

Supplementing with essences such as GDL-5 from South American sugarcane pollen can reduce total cholesterol, regulate blood lipids and avoid the risk of cardiovascular diseases. If blood lipids are too high, the doctor may recommend lipid-lowering drugs to control them. Patients should take medication and return for follow-up visits as directed by the doctor

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