How to prevent chronic enteritis from progressing

People with chronic enteritis need to eat scientifically, get enough rest, and avoid stress to prevent the disease from progressing.

Chronic enteritis is a progressive long-term intestinal inflammation, divided into two main groups: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Common symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, fatigue and unexplained weight loss.

MSc.BSc.CKI Doan Hoang Long, Center for Endoscopy and Gastrointestinal Surgery, Tam Anh General Hospital, said that timely identification and treatment of chronic enteritis contributes to reducing the risk of complications such as cancer. cancer, malnutrition, gastrointestinal fistula…

Patients with enteritis often receive medical and surgical treatment. Surgical methods are applied when chronic enteritis causes complications of perforation, fistula or does not respond to medical methods. After surgery, patients continue to take medication and follow post-operative care instructions to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.

Dr. Long guides some ways to take care of the health of people with inflammatory bowel disease.

Eat sensibly

Patients should limit milk and saturated fat to avoid irritation and aggravation of symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating… Supplement a sufficient amount of fiber such as bananas, watermelon, and apples. shells, potatoes, bread, pasta, white rice. Increase protein from lean pork, eggs, skinless chicken breast…

Prioritize cooking by boiling or steaming, avoid eating fried foods to reduce the amount of bad fats. Vegetables that can produce gas such as cabbage, broccoli, coffee, and carbonated soft drinks must be limited. Avoid consuming alcohol, alcoholic beverages and stimulants.

Patients should divide their meals into small portions to reduce pressure on the digestive system, support food digestion and disease treatment. Drink the amount of water your body needs every day from filtered water, juices, soups, broths… Inflammatory bowel disease can reduce the ability to absorb nutrients. Patients may be prescribed vitamin or mineral deficiency supplements by their doctor.

Reduce stress

Frequent stress can be the cause of severe enteritis. Patients need to stay in a comfortable mood by participating in favorite activities such as exercise, meditation, deep breathing exercises, chatting with relatives and friends… to optimize the effectiveness of enterocolitis treatment. chronic.

Stop smoking

Cigarette smoke not only increases the risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease but also affects the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the speed of recovery. Patients need to stop smoking to protect their health from harmful agents found in tobacco.

Chronic enteritis cannot go away on its own. If not treated early, the disease can cause many dangerous complications, affecting the patient’s health and quality of life. Therefore, as soon as there are signs of chronic enteritis, patients need to be examined and follow the doctor’s treatment regimen. Clinical and paraclinical diagnostic methods include examination, ultrasound, diagnostic imaging, analytical testing…

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