Yael Shelbia was criticized regarding her weight

Yael Shelbia, one of the most successful models in Israel, was at the center of a media storm last week, after she uploaded photos from a fashion campaign shot in New York, and received harsh criticism for the thin look she presented in them. “Very beautiful, but I would not choose her for modeling with this thinness, not an example for girls and young women,” wrote one of the followers. “Beautiful but thin as a stalk,” added another. There were also those who chose to use even harsher and more blunt words: “Anorexia is a life-threatening disease”, “Put a yellow patch on yourself and everything is perfect”.According to Lena Harmatz, clinical dietitian and director of the eating disorders clinic at Maccabi Health Services, Southern District, these are problematic comments that have no place, especially because in most cases it is not possible to know what the health status of the person in question is at all. “I don’t know whether in the case of that model it’s weight loss or not, but if we refer to it in general, you should know that weight loss can be due to various reasons such as: physical illness, stressful situations, a personal crisis or an eating disorder. In any case, no The reason can only be indicated with a picture.”Weight does not necessarily indicate health

Hormetz explains that people are born with different sizes and measurements and there is a wide range of normative weight. “There are people who, by definition, are overweight, but their tests are normal, and they feel good about themselves, and on the other hand, for others, their weight is indeed normal, but tests that could indicate a certain medical condition, or lack of vitamins, for example, will not be normal.”

According to her, it should be taken into account that genetics is also involved. “A model who measured the BMI Hers is low, maybe she was born that way and in fact throughout her life her index was like this and it is not unusual for her. Assuming that she consumes an appropriate amount of food and eats properly, it is impossible to look only at one point in time.”

Could such negative comments encourage an eating disorder?

According to Hormetz, the answer is complex. “An eating disorder has a genetic component, a personality component, and an environmental component. It is true that the comments that come from the environment have meaning, but the way in which they will be received or have an effect depends very much on that person’s perception of himself, since most of the problems with body image stem from our personal perceptions, and not from real physical problems. Each person develops different attitudes and feelings towards their body, and each person has a different ability to contain the changes that occur in them over the years. If that girl does not have a problem with her body image, is not obsessed with eating, she probably will not have thoughts that could lead to developing an eating disorder following a comment One way or another. On the other hand, someone who is criticized a lot about her appearance, and from the beginning she will deal with a problematic body image, may develop eating disorders later on.”

According to her, the matter emphasizes the importance of developing a positive body image among children, and in studies that have examined the causes of the development of eating disorders, emphasis is given to this. She points out that in fact, some of the studies done on the subject found that overweight children who have a positive body image will not necessarily suffer from an eating disorder.

She points out that she encountered patients who chose to start a diet due to being overweight, sometimes due to comments they received from the environment, and the attempt to carry out a healthy process ended in a loss of control and damage to the body. “Our body is a sensitive place and we need to respect it, even in the way we speak.”

But the ideal of beauty presented on the networks may also have an effect

Along with these aspects, Harmatz points out that the social network and the ideal of beauty that is sometimes presented in it, may have a negative effect on the followers, especially on teenagers and young adults. “It is difficult for them to understand that what they see in the media is not necessarily true and authentic and does not represent the entire cross-section of the population. Admittedly, in recent years, there has been a positive trend – there is more diversity and we see more celebrities or influencers with a different body shape and a positive body image; but still in many cases, the images that are published are mutilated or filters are used, so a large part of the truth is not visible at all. Moreover, I have encountered patients who ate less than the appropriate amount for them because some blogger they follow shared his daily menu which included a much smaller amount.”


In order to maintain a positive body image and a healthy lifestyle, Hormetz explains that not everything boils down to our appearance or weight. “It is important to develop hobbies or occupations that are not necessarily related to appearance, such as: painting, sports, mindfulness, and more.” According to her, in situations where there is a body image problem that manifests itself in significant weight loss or gain, it is important to contact a person certified by the Ministry of Health who can provide an answer. “You have to remember that body image disorders can also appear as part of a wider problem, such as anxiety or depression, and in these cases the treatment will be more comprehensive.”

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