Heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, alcoholism, smoking, and lack of exercise contribute to increased risk of stroke.
A stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is suddenly interrupted due to a blockage or bleeding in the brain. A stroke can affect daily activities and work productivity, causing the patient to be bedridden and die. Some health problems or unhealthy lifestyle habits can lead to stroke.
Smoke: This is one of the common factors that promote stroke. Therefore, quitting smoking reduces the risk of stroke and positively impacts the health of those living around. Taking steps to quit smoking and consulting with a doctor will help make the process of quitting smoking easier.
Diabetes: People with diabetes have a higher than normal risk of stroke. Because high blood sugar damages blood vessels, causing them to stiffen, leading to blood clots that block blood from moving to the brain, causing a stroke. Diabetes and stroke also share some risk factors, including poor diet and little exercise.
High blood pressure: The majority of ischemic strokes are related to high blood pressure. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can also rupture arteries, leading to brain hemorrhage. Patients should control blood pressure by reducing salt, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, increasing exercise, and taking medication as prescribed by the doctor to reduce the risk.
Alcoholism: Stroke is also linked to the habit of drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol can cause dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, and stroke. If you are used to drinking alcohol, limit yourself to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.
High cholesterol levels: High bad cholesterol (LDL) can clog brain arteries. To reduce the index, patients should eat less saturated fat, avoid processed foods, and exercise regularly. If you cannot maintain healthy cholesterol levels through lifestyle changes, taking medication as directed by your doctor is necessary.
Sedentary lifestyle: Stroke also happens to people who don’t exercise enough, leading to obesity and insulin resistance. Healthy adults should maintain 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise (walking, cycling, yoga) 5 times a week. High-intensity strength training exercises (jogging, weight lifting, planking) practiced 2-3 days a week.
Heart disease: People with a history of heart attack or atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) are many times more likely to have a stroke than those without. Atrial fibrillation can cause blood clots in the heart chambers, from which the clots move to the brain. Patients should talk to their doctor about better treatment or control methods.
Stress and depression: Stroke is related to mental health. Stress wreaks havoc on your health, which in turn leads to increased blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Managing stress, depression, anger and anxiety are all important to reduce your risk of stroke. Practicing meditation, yoga, walking outdoors, listening to soothing music, and getting enough sleep helps improve mood and is good for the brain.