How age ‘exhausts’ the body

From approx 18 years oldsustainable collagen and elastic elastin and begins to decline, leading to signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging. The skin becomes thinner, reduces oil secretion and reduces the ability to regenerate cells. Connective tissues also lose flexibility.

Expression: Skin is dry, begins to wrinkle, is easily damaged and has difficulty healing when scratched or injured. Elderly people are susceptible to skin ulcers due to prolonged lying down and are susceptible to infection.

Advice: Limit smoking and use sunscreen to protect your skin from premature aging.

Mass and strength muscle gradually decline later age 40. As muscles age, they begin to shrink and lose mass. By age 60, muscle strength decreases, making muscles less flexible.

Advice: Regular exercise helps slow muscle loss and maintain muscle strength.

Volume bone decrease at a rate of up to 1% each subsequent year age 35. For women, this process happens faster after menopause. The mineral content in bones gradually decreases over time, causing bones to become less dense and more fragile, with a higher risk of osteoporosis.

Expression: Muscle and joint pain, muscle weakness, joint stiffness, reduced mobility, easy bone fractures when falling, especially the hip and spine. Recovery time after a fracture is long and often painful.

Advice: Weight-bearing exercises such as lifting weights, jumping rope, climbing stairs… help reduce this condition, strengthening the front thigh muscles helps reduce pain caused by knee osteoarthritis.

LIVE age 40, eye starting to lose the ability to focus. The lens loses its elasticity, reduces the quality of the retina, and increases the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Expression: Reduced ability to see clearly, especially when reading close up or in low light conditions. Impaired eyesight affects safety in daily activities, making it easy to fall.

Advice: UV-protective glasses and vitamin C and beta-carotene supplements can reduce the risk of cataracts.

LIVE age 60reduce hearing becomes more pronounced due to the gradual loss of hair cells in the inner ear, especially with high frequency sounds. One in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 has severe hearing loss.

Expression: Difficulty hearing in noisy environments, easy to feel isolated and difficult in communication, psychological effects and can cause depression.

Advice: Limit exposure to loud noises.

Taste and smell word decline age 70 due to a reduction in the number of taste buds and odor sensing cells.

Expression: Reduced appetite, loss of appetite, leading to the risk of malnutrition and unwanted weight loss.

Cardiovascular system: From age 65muscle cells tim shrinks while the heart wall thickens, causing the heart to work harder. Aerobic capacity – using oxygen to provide energy for prolonged activities (such as jogging, swimming…) – decreases by about 10% every decade. Blood vessels lose elasticity and stiffen, leading to increased blood pressure and reduced blood flow. The risk of heart disease increases significantly.

Expression: Fatigue, shortness of breath on exertion, angina, heart failure, high blood pressure and risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. Symptoms are often worse with activity or stress.

Advice: Exercise 30 minutes a day, eat foods rich in fiber, reduce consumption of harmful fats.

Respiratory system: Function lung starts to decrease by about 1% each year after age 30. People who smoke or are exposed to pollutants will experience faster deterioration. Lung tissue loses elasticity, reduces its ability to expand, and the respiratory muscles become weaker. The airways easily collapse, reducing the ability to exchange gases.

Expression: Difficulty breathing, especially when exercising, chronic cough, susceptible to respiratory infections such as pneumonia. Elderly people have a poorer ability to recover from respiratory infections, which can easily lead to chronic pneumonia or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Digestive system: Acid secretion stomach and reduced digestive enzymes, impairing digestion and nutrient absorption. Intestinal muscles also have a reduced ability to contract. After age 50the stomach produces less acid, making it difficult to absorb vitamin B12.

From age 60villi intestine gradually flattens with age, affecting the ability to absorb nutrients.

Urinary system: From age 50, kidney reduces the number of nephrons and the ability to filter blood, reducing the ability to maintain water and electrolyte balance. Bladder Loss of elasticity and reduced capacity.

Expression: Frequent urination at night, uncontrolled urination, difficulty urinating, can cause insomnia and fatigue during the day. Impaired kidney function also increases the risk of other diseases such as high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease.

Advice: Drinking enough water and avoiding dehydration can help protect your kidneys.

Nervous system: Or age 70brain-related changes are more obvious. The number of nerve cells decreases, especially in areas of the brain related to memory. Nerve conduction is slower and nerve cell regeneration is impaired.

Expression: Memory loss, decreased ability to concentrate, slow reflexes, easy loss of balance, increased risk of falling. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s also easily appear in the elderly.

Advice: B vitamins and physical activity may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Immune system: From age 60impaired cell function immunityreduces the ability to fight infections.

Height Reduces an average of 1 cm every 10 years age 40a total of 2.5 to 7.6 cm can be lost.

By Editor

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