Lying relaxed in the “corpse” position – two legs separated with shoulders, hands down the body to bring maximum relaxation to the body, helping to sleep well.
The posture of the corpse (Savasana) is a relaxing method that helps the body rest, increase energy and support deep sleep. Perform this position by lying straight, legs separated with shoulders, hands down the body, palms tilted up, head in line with the spine. Gently close your eyes, keep your body motionless in the most comfortable state, combine listening to meditation to easily fall asleep.
Benefits of corpses
Dr. Phan Thai Tan, a health coach, explained that after Tet, many people had a problem of sleep deprivation or not sleeping deeply, leading to fatigue and working inefficiently. The posture of corpses not only supports relaxation but also increases oxygen flow to the brain, reduces headache, improves mental and physical health. This posture is usually done at the end of the yoga session, requiring complete relaxation in both body and mind. Although simply looking, this position is considered the most difficult to implement in Yoga because of the absolute focus requirement.
How to do it
To start, lie down comfortably, gently closed your eyes, body immobile. Focus on breathing, observing the change of abdomen and chest when inhaled, exhaling. Take a natural breath, not forced. Can count from 9 to 0 to keep concentration. Listen to the surrounding sound without trying to focus on a specific sound, moving the natural thoughts between sounds or meditation.
Also, before sleeping, it is necessary to let the body in the most comfortable state. Check the feeling of the whole body from head to toe, paying special attention to the neck, belt, intestinal, hands and feet. If you feel too cold or hot, you can apply a little benign oil to soothe. Perform the whole body or click some acupuncture points to better circulate blood.
Deadly posture. Artwork: Blog.alomoves
For better quality sleep, in addition to practicing yoga postures, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and good habits. Avoid drinking water 1-2 hours before sleeping to limit the night urination, stop using the phone at least an hour before bed. The blue light from the phone can disrupt the natural sleep cycle, stimulating the production of cortisol hormone, causing difficulty sleeping. Sleep expert Lindsay Browning recommends that the suspension of electronics helps the brain and the body relax, facilitating easily sinking into deep sleep.
Combining corpses and scientific sleep habits is an effective way to regenerate energy and improve comprehensive health.