Book: Ari Vatanen opens up about his son’s death and his mistakes – “Vien hapen tila”

Ari Vatanen talks about great sadness and digests his mistakes in human relationships in a recent book.

Hi DadI have some bad news. Cancer. Don’t tell mom.”

“Thus began a period in our life that could have been weighed. That’s how short it was.”

Rally legend Ari Vatanen72, says his son Kim Vatanen of the great sorrow caused by death Helena Liikanen-Rengerin in the book written by Twild hair, wild mind – the life of Ari Vatanen (Bridge).

Kim Vatanen, known as a rally manager and entrepreneur, died of cancer in the spring at the age of 51.

Kim Vatanen’s biological father Sulevi Tienhaara died in a plane crash in the early 1970s before his son was born.

Since then, Kimi’s mother Rita married rally driver Ari Vatanen. Kim grew up as the eldest child in the family.



Kim and Ari Vatanen photographed in 1984 next to the Peugeot 205 rally car.

In the book Vatanen says he understood the feeling of fatherlessness because his own father had died in a traffic accident when Ari was eight years old.

“I was proud of Kim. I felt a huge responsibility.”

In the book, Ari Vatanen recalls Kim’s unpleasant illness.

“Kim had wondered about the bumps on her neck half a year before, but the doctor didn’t pay attention to it. I don’t know what the doctor is thinking now, but there is no room for the word “if” in life. I hope he is awake with the next patient.”

Ari Vatanen describes great sadness and pain in the book.

“I woke up at night with the painful thought, Kim is dying. If only this were just a nightmare.”

Rallitähti states that when we lose a loved one, we have to ask ourselves an honest question: did I make him happy?

“When a little boy asks to fly a plane, do it right away, he says in the book.”

Paternal and the boy’s relationship was not without problems. It is also evident from the recent book.

In 1983, the Vatases moved from Finland to Cookham Dean, England, which is located about an hour’s drive from London.

At the time of the move, the family’s girls Ria and Tua were 3 and 1 years old, and Kim was 10 years old.

The book says that Kim, who had to leave her important friends in Finland at a tender age, was especially affected by the change.

Kim recounted her memories of England and her experiences at boarding school in the book Helvetinsaari, which was published in 2005.

Parents had encouraged Kim Vatasta to write a book and recount his experiences, but they had not familiarized themselves with the content of the book beforehand.

In the end, the content of the book was a shock for the parents, because in addition to his unpleasant school memories, Kim criticized his father for his upbringing methods.



Ari Vatanen reflects on parenting in the book.

In a recent book, Ari Vatanen says that Kim felt that the family had abandoned him. Later, according to the book, the parents thought that maybe they should have taken care of the son even more.

In the recent book, it is stated as background that the family’s daughters were small at the time and world champion Vatanen spent most of the year doing rally work away from home.

Then came Vatanen’s life-threatening accident in Argentina’s World Rally Championship in 1985 and the recovery period that followed. All this pushed the family’s endurance to the limit.

The book it could also be that Ari, who was brought up in the old days, had been too strict and demanding as a father, interfered too much in the behavior of the offspring.

“I have said that Ari was sometimes like a horse with blindfolds, too strict. But since then, he has relaxed in terms of upbringing,” says Rita Vatanen in the book.

Kim Vatanen is said to have thought about the matter in a recent book like this:

“Dad was strict, but I don’t think there was anything wrong with that. There must be rules. Of course, it would have been nice to have gotten a little more time from him, but his work was demanding and took me away for long periods of time.”

“Every parent certainly tries their best with their limited abilities. There is nothing in the world more beloved than children.”

The book says that after long rally trips, Ari always took his time before adjusting to family life.

Ari Vatanen himself says that the most difficult thing has been being the father of sons Kim and Max – according to him, parenting daughters has been easier.

“I am a very dominant person and I know it. I rant and rave and tell others how they should be. I can’t wait to be quiet.”

“I have strong opinions and I always have the last word. I’m taking the oxygen out of the space. But the sensitivity has remained, and one’s own mistakes hurt. They especially hurt when I have misbehaved towards the children or Rita. I have had to apologize often.”

In the book it is stated that time has softened the memories and Ari Vatanen’s relationship with all the children is fine.

“Every parent certainly tries their best with their limited abilities. There is nothing in the world more beloved than children.”

Kim Vatanen tried out a career as a rally driver, driving competitions mainly in France in the 1990s. Later, Kim Vatanen decided to invest in golf, but he returned to rallying as a manager. For example, he helped the French star Sebastian Ogieria.

Kim Vatanen also ran a fishing and adventure tourism company.

By Editor

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