Daniele De Rossi returns to his origins: he is the new owner of Ostiamare football

“Daniele De Rossi is the new owner of Ostiamare calcio”. This was announced by Alessandro Onorato, councilor for Sport, Tourism, Fashion and Major Events of Rome Capital. In the Ostiamare team, Daniele De Rossi started his sports career therefore the acquisition of the team has a high symbolic value.

“We have received official communication – continues Onorato – of the purchase by the company controlled by Daniele De Rossi. We have worked hard on this solution and we are proud that we have reached this turning point. Today we write a new page for Ostiamare and the entire territory of 10 Town Hall where the Anco Marzio facility and the club represent a point of reference at a sporting level and social for thousands of families. With De Rossi we shared the same approach: there are no shortcuts to legality. We will give him and his staff all the necessary administrative support, as we do with all the concessionaires of the municipal facilities, to overcome the critical issues of the sports center. Thank you Daniele who, with huge new investments, will guarantee Ostiamare an important modernization of the sports facility, a rosy future for the first team and for the training of the boys”.

By Editor

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