Great discovery of astronomers from Croatia: The amateur discovered a new mist, named it after him!

Thanks to your discovery; in, Croatian astronomer amateur Robert & Zcaron, Ibreg remained forever recorded in the stars; As they wrote from the Astronomical Society infinity, this is the first time that Croatian astronomer amateur has discovered such an object.

The planetary nebula is & Zcaron; Ibreg discovered with the assistance; Dana Patchicka and is wearing a name Pazib 1and is located in the star & dstrok; in the ko & ccaron (auriga) near the famous Star Gathering Messier 37. As stated, the dimensions of the nebula are 1.8 x 2.1 Lu & Ccaron; The moon (and the sun) in the sky is about 30 lu & ccaron;

Messier 37 is the brightest star gathering in the star & zcaron; in Ko & Ccaron (auriga) and is located about 4500 light years from Earth, and was discovered in the 17th century & Cacute; u. It consists of over 500 stars, including the Cacute; and prominent red giants, and is about 400 million years old. It is visible through binoculars or telescope during the winter months, provided by the zcaron; & Zcaron fog in the full picture can be seen as a red spot in the upper left part of the photo.

& Zcaron wrote at his post that they found the mist of the 4th.

Photo: Rober & Zcaron; Ibreg

– They use & cacute; and data from Panstarrs Istria & Zcaron, we have found a poorly visible star that is probably a source of mist of the nebula. Its brightness is at the border of detection, which caused concern about the possible mistakes. However, the additional data confirmed its existence – he wrote, the & Cacute said; still other information they used to confirm it.

– Picture of detection & cacute; a part of a ve & cacute; eG staff taken with a telescope Askar Fra500 at f/3,9, shows a nebula within the wider field of view. This contributes to the cataloging of poorly visible planetary nebulae and emphasizes your zcaron. Additional observations with ve & cacute; they have telescopes are probably needed for more precise understanding of this object and its central star – he explains.

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