A day like today, February 4, 21 years ago, it was launched Facebookthe social network that would mark a whole generation and that still today is still in force in cyberspace. The platform, created by Mark Zuckerberg and a group of colleagues from Harvard University, initially began as an exclusive place for students of said house of studies, becoming a short time in one of the main digital communication tools, with thousands of users worldwide.
Since its inception, Facebook has evolved significantly. In its early years, the platform quickly expanded to other universities in the United States, and it was not until 2006 when it opened its doors to the general public. Gradually changes such as the Publications wall, the news section and integration with external applications were implemented.
But Facebook has not had an easy path. The company has faced many challenges, including concern for the privacy of its users’ data and accusations of electoral manipulation. Numerous times, the social network has been in the center of controversy. Known examples are the case Cambridge Analytica (2018)the accusations of interference of Russian agents in the US elections of 2016, the leaks known as the Facebook Papers In 2021, the fines of the European Union for breach in data protection, monopoly accusations, among others.
Despite this, Facebook is still one of the most influential platforms in the world. In 2012, the company took a key step when leaving, consolidating itself as a technological giant. In addition, it acquired other popular platforms such as Instagram y WhatsAppexpanding its digital ecosystem and reinforcing its domain in the social networks sector. To date, it remains the social network with more active users in the world. According to a report from Statesmanthat cites data from DataReportaluntil 2024 more than 3,000 million monthly active users.
In 2021, the company changed its corporate name to Metareflecting its commitment to metaverso and virtual reality. Zuckerberg put all his effort in the development of metaverso, but his success was eclipsed by the vertiginous advance of artificial intelligence. And although at first he refused to join the trend, he finally did it, leaving postponed – although not discarded – the idea of metaverso.
Despite the appearance of other platforms that have gained market, especially among younger users, such as Instagram, Snapchat o TikTokFacebook keeps its validity.
A few weeks ago, Meta announced a complete change in the moderation policies of its platforms, which basically resulted in external verifiers to leave that work in the hands of the community itself, a strategy that it already adopted X (Before Twitter).
On the other hand, the company has made public a Pact with Donald Trump To pay you 25 million dollars for suspending your Facebook accounts after the attack on the Capitol. A movement that, according to specialists, represents an approach to the new republican government, as several others are doing Big Techmany of them that initially defended more progressive positions.
Currently, the platform continues to adapt to new trends, facing the competition of other networks such as Tiktok and exploring the use of artificial intelligence to improve user experience. TO 21 years of its launchFacebook continues to mark the course of the digital ecosystem.