Telemach recognition, they have the best network quality. They raise data packages to users

Telemach’s mobile network; and the best quality and the most reliable in Croatia, confirmed the latest analysis of Opensignal based on real useful & CCaron; in everyday and life situations, they published on Tuesday from the company. According to their measurement, Telemach is the best in & cacaron; and ccaron; and cacaro & cacute, reliability, 5g Coverage, data download and transmission and viewing experience video contents. It is about categories where they are either water & cacute; and or share water & cacute; e place.

Unlike mere speed measurements and coverage, the opensignal tests analyze the actual experiences of users when using mobile devices daily; for example, communication, surfing, watching video contains and zcaron. This is the third trial of Telemach, which the same is the same result that this is a direct result of the long -term investment, which increases the base cells by 50% and the capacity of the net & zcaron. populations.

Photo: Ivan Hruškovec/24sata

– Analyzes of Opensignala Ve & Cacute; Tre & Cacute; and the path Affirm and Dstrok; what we know in Telemach – that the quality of our mobile network is truly best at Tr & Zcaron;. All of this is the result of our long-term information in the most modern mobile infrastructure and the frequency spectrum – said the Management Board and the main director of Telemach Danijela Bistres & Cacutter;

As they pointed out to us, Telemach’s investments have been over 600 million euros over the past five years. From the company the same & Ccaron that in the 2024 year, the largest number of mobile users had moved precisely to Telemach.

– In Telemach, we are fully focused with users who do not have to choose from our services, in the price and quality. We democratically 5g and the first to Tr & Cancaron; in all mobile packages, and now we are re-respond to the needs of users and additionally enrichment and Cacutter;, and CCaron, Lan and the Director of Development and the Product Telemach .

Photo: Ivan Hruškovec/24sata

Speaking & Cacute; IO ITA and Curson data, Telemach also announced that all the users of the Start package from now on use have 20 GB, and the top package & ccaron; ak 80 GB.

The benefit of new mobile users is a special offer of all mobile tariffs for 1 euro month & Ccaron; but by the end of the year, with a 24 -month contract.

– The Telemach of Po & Ccaron has a clear vision, which is that the most modern technology must be available to everyone. Arriving at the Tr & Zcaron, we woke up a slightly dormant telecom sector, introduced innovation and brought the most modern technologies, and today Mo & Zcaron will be proud of Re & Cacute; and that Telemach has a mobile net & zcaron; INA, CEO of Telemacha.

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