Several Iranians will be indicted for hacking the Trump campaign

According to a report in Politico, a US grand jury has indicted several Iranians on charges related to the hacking of the Republican presidential candidate’s campaign. Donald Trump. Materials stolen from the Trump campaign were then sent to journalists and people associated with the president’s election campaign Joe Biden before that Kamala Harris became the democratic candidate.

The names of the defendants and the specific criminal charges have not yet been released. A grand jury secretly approved the indictment yesterday (Thursday) afternoon. And the US Department of Justice is expected to announce the charges today. The Justice Department and the Trump campaign declined to comment.

Last month, the Trump campaign confirmed it had been hacked, after Politico and other media outlets obtained internal campaign documents from an anonymous email account, including a research file on the senator. VanceTrump’s running mate. The campaign blamed Tehran for the hack. This month, US security agencies issued an extraordinary statement saying that the Iranians sent materials stolen from the former president’s campaign to people associated with the Biden campaign team (which later became the Harris campaign). The statement noted that there was no sign that the recipients had responded.

Google’s cybersecurity arm said the Iranians also tried to hack the Biden campaign, but there are no signs those attempts were successful. “Russia, Iran and China are to some extent trying to exacerbate the divisions in American society for their own benefit, and they see election periods as moments of vulnerability.” Said in a statement of the American security agencies.

Trump also said this week that American intelligence officials told him that Iran planned to assassinate him. In July, the Ministry of Justice filed an indictment against a Pakistani man who planned on behalf of Iran to kill American politicians or officials. The indictment did not name the alleged targets, but it was widely reported that he wanted to kill Trump.

US security officials believe that Iran has been trying for years to assassinate Trump or his former advisers on Iranian affairs, in an attempt to avenge the assassination of the Iranian general Kasem Soleimani In 2020. Remember that year, Trump ordered an airstrike that killed Soleimani, who was then commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Some former Trump administration officials still receive security because of the ongoing threats from Iran.

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