The Democratic Party sets aside the Renzi issue. The M5S’s no remains

The daisy of the ‘Renzi yes, Renzi no’ has exhausted its petals: it is time to focus on the issues to press the government and on the programs for the next regional elections. The leaders of the national secretariat and the elected members of the Democratic Party seem to agree on this point. And the Democratic secretary, Elly Schlein, indirectly reiterates it by presenting herself alongside the workers of the Italian Bus Industry of Bologna in turmoil after the letter informing them of the relocation of production to Campania, 600 kilometers away.

In fact, a collective dismissal“, explains the Democratic leader, underlining the need to provide the country “with a real industrial plan”. It is one of the themes dear to the Democratic Party and on which the secretary has based her militant summer.

Along with this, health care, minimum wage, pensions who risk becoming the first victim of a budget maneuver that, the Democrats say, will be “against the middle class and the weakest groups”. No one, however, is unaware that Liguria has lost the chances of the center-left to deal a potentially lethal blow to a government that appears to the Democrats to be increasingly “torn” between the braccio di ferro sullo Law School between the two deputy prime ministers, the different sensitivities regarding the war in Ukraine and the Sangiuliano case.

For example, the leader of the M5S Giuseppe Conte focuses on this dossier and asks Sangiuliano to report to Parliament: “Minister Sangiuliano must come to Parliament to report on how the government’s money and sensitive information were used, whether they were made available to a businesswoman and why”, attacks Conte: “It is embarrassing to watch this show with Prime Minister Meloni being denied live by documents published on social media by a private citizen”, he adds.

For all these reasons, from the Nazarene, the voices of those who ask to put aside the Renzi puzzle to give battle to the government are multiplying. On the other hand, in Liguria the game seems over after Giuseppe Conte’s green light to Andrea Orlando.

The Renzi ‘knot’, however, is far from being resolved, as demonstrated by the warning launched by the former scrapper to his allies: “If the line in the centre-left is given by the PD with Elly Schlein – no one should veto, build an alternative to the Meloni/Salvini government – we are in and we are decisive. If the line in the center-left is given by the Fatto Quotidiano with Marco Travaglio – veto against the center, the grillini should get closer to the right – we are not in and we are proudly out of this stuff here”, says Renzi.

The Democrats, however, relaunch the request to Renzi’s supporters to cut ties with the Bucci administration in Genoa, as the representative of the Democratic Party secretary, Marco Sarracino: “All ambiguities must be resolved starting from theunsustainable presence of some forces within the Bucci council“. The fact is that the Renzians in the municipal government and council in Genoa do not seem to have any intention of leaving their positions, also because they were elected within a civic list.

A plan, that of presenting their own exponents within a civic list, that the Renzians could replicate also for Liguria. A prospect that the Five Stars firmly reject: the alliance with Renzi is not a viable optionthey say from Campo Marzio, dismissing the issue with a lapidary ‘No’ to alliances with Renzi, both at a local and national level. The left to the left of the PD is of the same opinion, starting with Ferruccio Sansa and Gianni Pastorino’s Linea Condivisa. Meanwhile, Andrea Orlando is preparing to make his first speech as a candidate in office at the National Unity Festival in Reggio Emilia.

On paper, the official green light from a coalition table that has not yet been convened is missing, but the positions of the party leaders do not seem to leave room for doubt about their support for Orlando. After some hesitation and requests for reassurance from the candidate on investments in major works, Carlo Calenda also expressed himself in favor of Orlando: “I was in government with Orlando, I cannot have personal prejudices against him”, says the leader of Azione before setting some stakes: “We come from months in which the left has only used the judicial investigation to attack. I told my people that investigations, on the right or on the left, are not used to campaign, and then that infrastructures are essential. If the two conditions are there, it is fine to form an alliance, but first the program and then the names”.

By Editor

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