YouTube will allow creators to detect AI-generated content that simulates their voices or reproduces their faces

YouTube has announced that it is working on new tools to protect the platform’s creators, including one that can identify voices and faces generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that impersonate the artists themselves.

The company has acknowledged that AI “is opening up a world of possibilities” and that it provides users with “new ways to express themselves in innovative ways,” as it noted in a press release.

To help its creators “succeed in an ever-evolving environment,” it is working on two new tools that will help them keep control over the use of their image, including their face and voice.

Part of this image control technology has been developed within Content ID. Specifically, the synthetic voice identification solution, intended for content creators automatically detect and manage content present on the platform and generated with AI to simulate the voice of a particular artist. In this sense, he has indicated that he is currently refining that technology and that he plans to start a pilot program for some creators early next year.

On the other hand, he has commented that he is developing another solution that allows users from different sectors (creators, actors, musicians, athletes, etc.) to detect and manage AI-generated platform content. in which their faces appear.

In this regard, Google has said that these two new features respond to its approach of tackling image rights issues on a large scale through the development of technologies.

He also pointed out that “for many years” it has been using the content uploaded to YouTube to improve the product experience, for which it also uses AI and machine learning based on the terms and conditions that creators accept when using the platform.

Thanks to this, he has been able to create the Trust & Safety team, dedicated to exploring and developing new solutions aimed at keeping the YouTube community protected, as well as improve their recommendation systems and create new generative AI features.

He also said that because this technology is evolving at a rapid pace and creators “may want a greater degree of control” over the way in which third parties collaborate in the development of tools powered by it, he is working on new ways for them to be able to decide. what use those third parties make of their content.

By Editor

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