Alps: Four dead mountaineers on the summit of Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc (Italian) – Death drama on the highest mountain in the Alps! On Tuesday, the bodies of the four mountaineers from Italy and South Korea who had been missing on Mont Blanc since Saturday were recovered.

Rescue workers discovered the two Italians and the two South Koreans from a helicopter near the summit. four dead were rescued and flown into the valley. According to police information, the climbers were travelling without a mountain guide.

As the French TV channel TF1 reports, citing the local gendarmerie, all four men died of exhaustion.

Search for missing persons interrupted

On Saturday, a total of three rope teams were reported missing in bad weather conditions. While two South Korean men were brought to safety on Sunday with great effort and in difficult weather conditions, any help came too late for the other four.

There was still telephone contact with the two Italian climbers on Saturday when they were at an altitude of around 4,600 metres on the north side of Mont Blanc. Then contact was lost. Because the weather conditions worsened, the rescuers from France and Italy had to interrupt their search for the missing people. The search could not be continued until Tuesday – with the sad certainty that the four men had not survived.

This summer, several climbers have already died on Mont Blanc. A few weeks ago, two German climbers were killed after falling from glacier ice at the foot of Mont Blanc.Mountains were reported missing. The search for them was later terminated without success.

At the beginning of September, a Romanian (35) fell about 200 meters into the Couloir du Goûter, which is also called the “corridor of death,” and could only be recovered dead. At the beginning of August, a French hiker was killed by falling glacier ice.

More and more fatal accidents in the mountains

This year there are Alps more deaths than in previous years. One of the The cause is climate change, which causes the mountains to crumble Experts warn that conditions on the mountain are changing and that the number of accidents is increasing.

By Editor

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