Nuremberg: Is the mayor a corona mask fraudster?

Nuremberg (Bavaria) – Two men are on trial for selling inferior Corona protective masks. One of them is the third mayor of a municipality in Upper Palatinate.

The judges at the Regional Court in Nuremberg (Bayern) must now clarify: Did they know about the poor quality of the Chinese goods?

Charges admitted only on second attempt

Lawyer Wolfgang Heer, who already represented Beate ZschäpeMember of the Terrorist group NSUdefended, raises serious allegations against the Public Prosecutor’s Office: “Nobody except the public prosecutor wanted this process.”

The criminal court had initially not admitted the charges because a conviction seemed unlikely. The Higher Regional Court Nuremberg overturned this decision.

Now the third mayor of Freystadt, Matthias Penkala (34, Free Voters), and his business partner Benedikt H. (37), must answer for their actions. Both run a trading company for car parts.

Allegedly suffering from pre-trial detention: Benedikt H. (37)

Photo: Karina Palzer

They are supposed to wear protective masks during the Corona pandemic from China and delivered to the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), Clinics and Pharmacies have sold.

The defendants had medical Can-Nose protection masks of type IIR according to the European test standard EN 14683:2019. For this purpose, they Photos and documents, allegedly to create the impression that the masks offered were of high quality.

Almost half of the masks were not of good quality

Sea Accusation corresponded to almost half of the Crownmasks did not meet the agreed quality. In addition, the men are said to have sold 12,000 masks, although the Chinese Manufacturers had been asked to destroy the goods. The damage: over two million euros.

Defense attorneys want to summon Minister Aiwanger

Penkala also turned to his party colleague, the Bavarian Economicminister Hubert AiwangerHis defense attorneys want him to be summoned as a witness.

Client suffers from imprisonment

The defense attorneys criticize: The pre-trial detention of Benedikt H. (37) is a “gross misunderstanding of the obligation to objectivity.”

The client has since his arrest and the pre-trial detention – both defendants are now free – he is suffering from existential fears. insomnia and Anxietycan no longer work.

Both Defendants have remained silent so far.

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