Electricity management will facilitate the connection of low-power photovoltaic cells to the grid

The Electricity Authority is promoting the simplification of the procedure for connecting low-power photovoltaic cells capable of delivering up to 15 kilowatts to the national electricity grid.

The procedure will be simplified to the point of obtaining permission automatically, but only for certain areas where the existing electricity network will allow it, according to a map that will be published by the electricity authority.

In addition, the department will make it easier for businesses to obtain permits to install solar power plants with a capacity of up to 8 megawatts, if the electricity will be used by the business exclusively for its own needs.

At the same time, the administration is promoting a 6.5% reduction in the tariff that will be paid to owners of installations with a capacity of 15 to 100 kilowatts, due to a significant reduction in the cost of their installation and maintenance.

By Editor

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