The 10-foot rule: The Danish strategy Steve Jobs used to revolutionize Apple (and how to apply it)

The “three-meter rule,” a Danish strategy to improve job satisfaction, is gaining ground in the business world and was applied by Steve Jobs at Apple, according to work management experts.

This rule, originating in Denmark, proposes that each employee be responsible for everything that happens within a three-meter radius around themfostering collaboration and autonomy in the work environment.

In Denmark, where 58% of employees say they would continue working even if they won the lottery, this practice has contributed to raising levels of job satisfaction in companies across a range of sectors.

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs implemented a similar philosophy at his company, promoting a sense of direct responsibility among his employees. Jobs believed it was essential that everyone, from engineers to designers, felt part of the final product.

This strategy is clearly reflected in Apple Stores, where each employee is tasked with anticipating the needs of customers within their “zone of influence,” creating a collaborative environment and a more personalized experience for the user.

Experts suggest that the three-metre rule can also be applied at home to improve coexistence, promoting initiative and attention to the needs of the immediate environment.

By Editor

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