Nacho Cano’s lawyers deliver ‘whatsapps’ from a scholarship student in ‘Malinche’ asking for 6,000 euros to stop legal proceedings

Los Nacho Cano’s lawyers They have given the judge various ‘whatsapps’ in which the intern who denounced Nacho Cano for an alleged hiring of workers immigrants in his musical ‘Malinche’ demanded 6,000 euros and a letter of recommendation from the musician in exchange for “not proceeding legally.”

In these ‘whatsapps’, provided to Europa Press by legal sources, you can read how the snipe reminds an interlocutor of the ‘Malinche’ team that she had spoken with her lawyer about her situation in the musical and that she could sue the creator for “Negligence, discrimination, psychological abuse and deprivation of liberty in the hostelamong other things.”

He also added that despite his family’s insistence, he does not intend to cause “more problems” and is therefore requesting compensation for damages, which includes a letter of recommendation from Nacho Cano and 6,000 euros deposited in the account of a relative in Mexico.

To this he adds a final request in exchange for not pursuing a demand, which is that his stay in Madrid be paid for together with meals in a hotel or hostel until January 15 of this year.My lawyer says that this request will be much cheaper than a trial, apart from tarnishing their image and with the possibility that they could return all the scholarship recipients if I proceed.“, he continues in another of the ‘whatsapps’.

The intern goes on to explain that by reaching such an agreement she would not proceed legally nor would she remember that they “exist.”I promise to take all my things out of the hostel as soon as the payment is settled and that’s it, you won’t hear from me again.“, she concludes after having decided not to continue with the private scholarship to work on ‘Malinche’.

In fact, last Tuesday it was learned that the Madrid Provincial Prosecutor’s Office had dismissed on June 28 a complaint filed by this same intern days before the arrest of the music producer, because “no crime” was found, according to legal sources consulted by Europa Press.

In that archiving decree, the Prosecutor’s Office assured that the facts related by the complainant, who claimed to have been threatened by Nacho Cano, “have no criminal relevance” and indicate that the alleged threats from the producer “do not reach the level of a crime.”

According to the complainant, the threats were made because she witnessed Nacho Cano kissing a woman in a nightclub and threatened her, warning her that if she told anyone, no one would believe her.

The intern also indicated that she entered Spain as a tourist, although in reality she was expected to stay for one year. However, she adds that after 15 days she was expelled from ‘Malinche’ in an “unfair” manner and left “literally on the street.”


The complaint was filed against Nacho Cano before the Public Prosecutor’s Office on June 17, six months after he filed it with the National Police officers at the Central District Police Station in Madrid. According to the ruling, the Prosecutor’s Office concluded its investigation in a decree dated June 28, one day after the labor inspection and the taking of statements from the ‘Malinche’ interns by the National Police.

The complainant learned on June 27 that the Public Prosecutor’s Office had closed her complaint, while at the same time the police were investigating the case. Finally, Nacho Cano was arrested on July 9 as the alleged perpetrator of crimes against the rights of foreign citizens and against workers’ rights.

By Editor

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