Fury broke out in Hungary over the Lukoil lock – Now a loophole has been found

A solution has been found to the oil supply situation that has enraged Hungary and Slovakia, several international media reports.

In July, Ukraine banned Russian giant Lukoil’s oil deliveries from the Družba oil pipeline that runs through Ukraine. At that time, it was reported that the end of Lukoil’s oil supplies threatens to cause power outages and fuel shortages in Hungary.

Now the Hungarian company Mol has told having reached an agreement that it will begin to be responsible for oil transport. According to Politico magazine Ukraine is also happy with the so-called loophole agreement, in which Lukoil sells its oil to Mol, which in turn transports it through Ukraine via the Družba oil pipeline. The Prime Minister of Ukraine told Politico about it Denys Shmyhal.

Šmyhal states that the oil is no longer supplied by a Russian company, but by a Hungarian company.

Hungary is also satisfied with the solution, says news agency AFP.

The EU imposed sanctions on Russian oil transported by sea as soon as the war of aggression began. However, an exception was made for oil pipelines, such as the Družba pipeline that transports oil to Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The solution was supposed to be temporary so that an alternative oil supplier could be found.

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