In October the new edition of ‘Libropolis’, “meeting and clash of ideas”

The new edition of Libropolis will open in Pietrasanta, on October 11th, with the title “The end of illusions”. Organized by Libropolis Aps, in collaboration with the Gruppo Editoriale Magog, with the patronage of the Municipality of Pietrasanta, in the province of Lucca, and with the contribution of the Centro per il Libro e la Lettura, as well as private sponsors, edition after edition, Libropolis continues to indicate the cultural coordinates in which to move in the disordered political, literary, social and economic order, through debates and book presentations, with exceptional guests and publishers.

In the magnificent complex of Sant’Agostino (with free admission, info and program on, from Friday 11 to Sunday 13 October 2024, Libropolis – The city that isn’t there – will allow the public to get to know books and their authors, going beyond the tired format of presentations and aiming instead to stimulate duels, incursions, controversies and debates without holds barred. Between firsts and great returns, the seventh edition of Libropolis will host Walter Siti, Francesco Bianconi, Marco Anastasio, Dario Fabbri, Emmanuel Todd, Marco Tarchi, Elena Basile, Lorenzo Castellani, Gianfranco Pasquino, Alessandra D’Arrigo, Mario Caligiuri, Boni Castellane, Ilaria Floreano, Raffaele Alberto Ventura, Stenio Solinas, Fernando Giancotti, Lapo Pistelli, Ray Banhoff, Davide Brullo, Fabrizia Sabbatini, Alessandro Ceni, Alberto Negri and many others.

“I am very satisfied with the program we have set up this year,” says Alessandro Mosti, president of Libropolis. “Having abandoned the festival format, which is now too limiting, we have been able to range across multiple worlds, organizing a small art exhibition, a short film and a live concert with a simultaneous “live painting” event. All of this, of course, without distorting ourselves: this year too, Libropolis will be a rare opportunity to try to understand the dynamics of contemporaneity, overcoming that sometimes excessive, poisonous and spasmodic polarization that characterizes public debate in Italy, with the result of preventing any reasoning. In the city that is not there, however, we will be able to listen to the interventions of analysts, political scientists, philosophers and essayists, the verses of poets and the proclamations of visionary artists, addressing today the topics on which others will argue tomorrow.”

“As usual, we thank the Municipality of Pietrasanta – concludes Mosti – which has also granted patronage to the event this year, the Center for Books and Reading, with which we have begun a collaboration that we hope will be long and fruitful, and the numerous local and national sponsors who have given their contribution. Their support allows us to consolidate the growth path undertaken seven years ago. We are ready to welcome thousands of visitors this time too and we do not want to set limits for the future”.

“The future of intelligence, human before artificial, is the starting point when we go to trace the annual constellation of guests, publishing houses, and themes – says Sebastiano Caputo, director of Libropolis – We started with the imagination of an idea, then with its realization through a no small effort. Brick after brick, year after year, edition after edition, we have built a real ‘city that is not there’, with its inhabitants (the organizers and guests of the event) and its little houses (publishers), which comes to life and takes shape three days a year. Libropolis is an augmented reality, an immersion in another space-time dimension”.

By Editor

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