Contact dermatitis, skin fungus, bacterial skin infections and scabies are common skin diseases during the rainy season, which can become serious if not properly cared for and treated.

According to MSc. Dr. Nguyen Thi Quy, Traditional Medicine Dermatology and Aesthetics Clinic, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City – Facility 3, prolonged storms and floods not only severely affect people’s lives, but also create conditions for many diseases, including skin diseases, to thrive due to contact with dirty water and polluted environment.

Common skin diseases during the rainy season that need attention are as follows:

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis occurs when the skin comes into contact with dirty water or irritants in the water. Common symptoms include itching, redness, rash, blisters, and peeling skin. If left untreated, the condition can become more serious, leading to infection.

Skin fungus

Long-term flooding creates a moist environment that can easily lead to fungal infections. Fungal skin infections can appear on the feet (tinea pedis), hands, and moist areas of the body. Signs include red, itchy, scaly, and foul-smelling skin. This is a common condition when the feet or body are soaked in dirty water for a long time without proper hygiene.

Bacterial skin infections

When the skin is damaged by scratches or contact with sharp objects while wading, bacteria in dirty water can easily enter the body and cause infection. Small wounds can become serious if infected with bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, leading to cellulitis, pustules, or even sepsis.

Water scabies

Caused by the parasite Sarcoptes scabiei when in contact with dirty water. Typical symptoms are intense itching, small blisters appearing in thin skin areas such as between the fingers, groin, hips… accompanied by scabies grooves which are visible zigzag lines on the skin due to scabies females digging grooves under the skin to lay eggs.

Scabies is usually not life-threatening, but if not treated promptly and properly, it can cause serious secondary infections.

Scabies appear between fingers, hands, and around the navel. Photo: WebMD

Dr. Quy recommends that when cleaning up after a storm or flood, you should wear boots, gloves, and protective clothing to minimize contact with dirty water and toxic substances. This helps reduce the risk of infection and skin diseases.

After contact with flood water or cleaning, wash your hands, feet, and body with antibacterial soap to remove pathogens. Do not leave your skin wet for a long time. If you have scratches or skin damage, clean the wound with an antiseptic solution to avoid infection. In particular, do not soak your feet in water if you have an open wound.

During floods, personal hygiene is extremely important. Change into dry clothes and keep your hands and feet clean and dry to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria. After the water recedes, it is necessary to clean the house, remove stagnant water, waste and clean objects that have come into contact with flood water to minimize the risk of infection.

Early detection of unusual skin symptoms and timely treatment will help prevent the disease from progressing. If there are signs of infection or the condition does not improve, people should go to medical facilities for advice and proper treatment.

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