Using balloons to pull spacecraft up to 30,000 m

Space Perspective’s Neptune Excelsior spacecraft prototype is lifted above 99% of Earth’s atmosphere during testing off the coast of Florida.

During the test, the Neptune Excelsior prototype spacecraft was unmanned. The ship was lifted aloft by a giant SpaceBalloon from the Marine Spaceport Voyager ship, Design Boom September 19 news.

The Neptune Excelsior climbed to an altitude of about 30,000 meters, close to space and above 99% of the Earth’s atmosphere. After reaching its maximum altitude, it made a controlled descent and landed safely in the water. The flight lasted six hours from launch to landing. The purpose of this test flight was to demonstrate the complete flight procedure – launch, climb, descent and landing – and test the capabilities of the Neptune Excelsior.

The successful test allowed Space Perspective to study the data collected and improve the spacecraft. During the test, the company used a new four-roller mechanism for the SpaceBalloon to take off for the first time. This system could enable Space Perspective to launch from sea-based launch sites, such as the Marine Spaceport Voyager, allowing for launches from anywhere in the world, any time of year.

View from 30,000 m altitude. Photo: Space Perspective

Neptune Excelsior maintained a safe and stable cabin pressure even at its highest point in the atmosphere, confirming that the spacecraft design worked. The vehicle also tolerated the large temperature changes in the upper atmosphere, and the temperature control system kept the cabin comfortable even when it was very cold or hot outside.

Meanwhile, the SpaceBalloon uses hydrogen gas to fly. It has also proven to be capable of operating well, being able to climb and then safely descend with the spacecraft.

Space Perspective’s mission team controlled the test flight using its own software and communications systems. After the flight, Neptune Excelsior was recovered using a jetpack and crane.

The team has collected data on the spacecraft’s performance, including its construction and durability, throughout the flight. They plan to use this information in a virtual model so engineers can analyze and test the spacecraft’s systems without having to fly it again. This will help them refine the spacecraft’s design before it launches in 2025. Commercial flights are expected to begin in 2026.

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