Innovation at the heart of Public Administration

The partnership between Alé Comunicazione and Symboolic has created a new vertical that will allow generative Artificial Intelligence to be brought into particularly critical sectors and many national divisions of the Public Administration, in a way that can be integrated into existing IT infrastructures and responding to the needs of individual use cases. Furthermore, to guarantee the confidentiality of information flows, it will be possible to choose the level of rigidity with which to control the perimeter of one’s data, which are taking on an increasingly subjective value and therefore different from structure to structure.

Artificial Intelligence is not just a trend, but the enabling infrastructure of the present and future competitiveness of our Country System. As such, it must be protected, and as an entrepreneur and engineer I believe it is a duty to spend and invest in the development of national skills and technology that not only allow us to seize the extraordinary economic opportunity of this historical moment, but that guarantee the security and autonomy of our Country. Today we celebrate the birth of Be Symboolic with particular attention to the world of Security, Cyber ​​& Defense and Strategic Infrastructures, as a commitment to realize this vision starting from what is essential: the creation of secure Artificial Intelligence technology on which to support developments, especially large language models, that will allow us to face the most critical challenges that the future holds for us, as individuals, organizations and Nation. Be Symboolic represents our concrete commitment to a digital sovereignty that is the foundation of national resilience and competitiveness.said Giovanni Tardini, CEO of Symboolic, AD and Vice President of Be Symboolic.

We are particularly excited about this new adventure with the most innovative national partner on the market today in the Artificial Intelligence sector and with whom we also share the philosophical approach to the solutions offered.said Robert Hassan, CEO of Alé Comunicazione, AD and President of Be Symboolic. “This is a natural development for Alé, a company that since its inception has always created innovation, from analysis and strategic methodologies, to tools designed and applied for national and international clients, in particular in the security and critical infrastructure sectors, two areas that move in parallel, as already at the beginning of the 2000s, anticipating the dynamics of global scenarios, we have developed techniques for present and future actors in the cyber space, positioning ourselves as the first Italian strategy agency specialized in the cybersecurity sector. Today we are already immersed in a new additional dimension, with possibilities and results not yet completely enclosed in defined formulas, precisely because they vary according to the complexity of subjective data of individual actors, in this sense the Symboolic applications offer Customers a real paradigm shift, with an Artificial Intelligence capable of enabling a new way of knowing the world and managing its complexityHassan concluded.

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