The president of Columbia University is heavily criticized
Katrina Armstrong, the interim president of Columbia University, received severe criticism from members of the university’s Jewish community after she apologized to those who felt “hurt” by the administration’s decision to evacuate anti-Israel demonstrations on campus last spring. As you may remember, Columbia University became a symbol of violent protests on campuses in the US, when demonstrations at the university reached unprecedented proportions.

Dr. Armstrong expressed her regret in an interview with the university’s newspaper, the Columbia Spectator, after being asked about the university’s request to the New York Police Department to disperse a large encampment and remove protesters from Hamilton Hall last April. , Armstrong told the newspaper that published the article today (fifth). “And I know it wasn’t me, but I’m really sorry… I saw it, and I’m really sorry.”

Armstrong assumed her current position after the former president of Colombia, Minush Shafik resigned abruptly in August, after being heavily criticized for her handling of the ongoing — and sometimes destructive — pro-Palestinian protests following the October 7 Hamas terror attack and the war in Gaza.

More than a hundred protesters, part of a solidarity camp with Gaza on the campus lawn, were arrested after Shafik called the New York police to enter the university grounds. About two weeks later, hundreds of police officers were allowed back onto campus to clear more than a hundred protesters from Hamilton Hall.

In both cases, the prestigious university said it regretted calling the police, but stressed that officials had no choice. The university accused the protesters who took over Hamilton Hall of forcing the school’s security officers out of the building and threatening the housemaster.

Armstrong’s apology drew criticism from Jewish members of the school community. “Instead of apologizing to the anti-Semitic protesters, (Armstrong) should apologize to the Jewish students for failing to protect them from relentless discrimination and harassment,” the student said. Maya Zuckerman.

Matthew Schweber who is part of the school’s Jewish Alumni Association, said the apology “only illustrates the moral decay, the intellectual bankruptcy, and the institutional anti-Semitism that afflicts my alma mater.” Rory Lankman a graduate of Columbia Law School, called Armstrong’s apology “an ominous sign” as the new school year begins.

“It’s an ominous sign for Columbia’s shrinking Jewish student body, as its interim president opens the new school year by apologizing for enforcing basic time, place and manner restrictions on anti-Israel protesters who have terrorized Columbia’s Jewish community and affected other students and staff on campus. “, said Lankman, who is the senior adviser to the Louis Brandeis Center for Human Rights.

The demonstrations at Columbia University (Photo: Reuters)

and Ari Sharagawho heads the school’s Jewish Alumni Association, called Armstrong’s statement “insensitive.” “Why is she apologizing? An apology sends the message that there should be no consequences for breaking the rules,” he said. “This is exactly the opposite of what Colombia needs now.”

Columbia University responded to criticism of the apology by saying that Armstrong had worked to engage and listen to a wide range of students and campus communities “and heard about the harm they experienced this past school year.”

“Dr. Armstrong gave a comprehensive interview to the student newspaper that focused in part on last year’s impact, and as she has with many groups across our campus, she acknowledged their pain and reiterated how sorry she is to all students who are suffering,” a university spokesperson said. “She remains committed to ensuring that everyone At the university they will feel safe and respected while we rebuild and heal this year.”

Armstrong, who also directs the school’s Irving Medical Center, also told the Columbia Spectator that the school must be committed to allowing students the ability to express their opinions and participate in debate while ensuring the continuation of academic activities. She emphasized that she wants to “keep this campus quiet and safe.”

“I just want to say, I see the damage that’s happened,” Armstrong said, “and I’m deeply committed to working with all of you, working with the entire community to both address and understand that damage.”

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