Goals, muscles, ring and faith: the “great personality” of Endrick, ‘Bobby’ in Valdebebas

A child signed for the Madrid Before reaching the age of majority, he left Brazil When he reached the 18 years oldlanded on the Bernabéu After two months he had already scored goals in the League and the Champions League, he had already shown his boots New Balance why he said “no” to the almighty Nike and, if it were necessary to raise the level of surprise, he had already married.

The boy, now a man in football and in life, is Endrick Felipe Moreira de Sousapronounced Endriqui in the stands and on TV, as a nickname Bobbywe will explain later, for a locker room that treats him like a “little brother“They say in Valdebebas. Like Güler, the other wonder child of the team AncelottiThey are the protégés of the European champion and tonight against Espanyol they will have a new opportunity.

Of Endrick They tell of all the good things about the club. They speak of a teenager who is not affected by the pressure. How can it affect him, one might ask, if at 15 years old he was already carrying on his shoulders the tens of thousands of fans of Palmeiras, champion of the Brazilian during the two years that the forward was part of the first giant squad and organization in the country. He scored 21 goals in 82 gamesmany of them from the bench, and started an auction throughout Europe to sign him, both at club level and at brand level. And Endrick decided at a risk.

He put on the Real Madrid shirt before the one Chelsea or the Milanteams that could promise him more minutes. He said “yes” to Juni Caulkthe head scout for the white team and responsible for the arrivals of, among others, Vinicius and Rodrygo, and jumped several steps in continental football at once. Because that’s how Endrick does things. The shots and the vital decisions. One impulse: goal.

For his boots, the attacker dared to wear New Balance sneakers, Saying “no” to Nike, that rules everything in Brazil. The American brand sponsors the team and its stars, past and present, since Ronaldo Nazario or Ronaldinho or Vinicius. He has made Brazilian samba his own, leaving Adidas much of Europe, but he has not been able to with Endrick. Less than a year ago, the footballer decided to leave the brand and sign with New Balance. “That was a big surprise and says a lot about him,” explain those who know him.

And in Valdebebas they talk about “A very special boy, with a great personality and his own ideas». He already demonstrated this in his debut in the Champions League against StuttgartWith the score at 2-1 and the Germans pressing, the Brazilian led a counterattack towards the opponent’s goal. At his side were Mbappé and Viniciuswith numerical superiority over the opposing defenders. But Endrick did not hesitate. When he reached 25 meters from the goalkeeper, he refused to pass the ball and invented a missile with his left foot to score the 3-1.

At his side, his companions could not believe what he had done. “If he fails, I will kill him,” he said. Courtois. «He’s crazy. He’s done something that I don’t think anyone would do.“, he joked Rodrygo“In recent days he has shown himself to be very brave, in every sense,” he said at a press conference. Ancelotti. Everyone calls him Bobby because in an interview he said that one of his idols was Bobby Charltona historic player in England in the 60s. A detail that everyone jokes about.

In it secret of the team, beyond the goals, there has been a notable situation regarding the young footballer’s private life. This past week he married his partner, the 21-year-old model Gabriely Miranda. intimate wedding which confirms the love between the two, which has been going on for several years, and their deep religious feelings. The player is evangelical christianlike other colleagues such as Rodrygo, and has signed a marriage contract, explained by the couple, with several clauses about leisure, language or video games: he cannot have a virtual girlfriend, there are forbidden words such as “ok” or “ahem” because they show indifference and they must make plans as a couple every week that both like. If any of them are broken, they have to buy a gift.

On the grass, Endrick takes advantage of his moments. Carry two goals in just 20 minutes and stays after every training session practicing shooting on goal and doing overtime in the gym. He has a supernatural lower bodyso much so that he landed somewhat off-balance on the upper leg. A situation that is being worked on with the club’s physios and with the nutritionists“He has everything to be a star,” they insist.

By Editor

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