“Alongside Ukraine to defend cultural heritage”

“Culture is the identity and soul of a nation and it is imperative to protect it from the threats of our time. The war against the Ukrainian people is also causing an indiscriminate attack on the Ukrainian cultural heritage. There are now many cases of churches, museums, theaters, historical buildings or other places of culture that have been the target of Russian bombs. And numerous works of art have been stolen or destroyed during military operations”. These are the words of the Minister of Culture, Alessandro Giuli, at the G7 Culture in Naples.

“Basically – continues Giuli – there seems to be an attempt to erase the Ukrainian cultural identity, to destroy the signs of a Nation, which has shown, with courage and determination, to want to choose its own future independently. We cannot allow this. We must continue to be at the side of the Ukrainian people in the defense of its sovereignty. We must help it protect its cultural heritage and assist it in the work of reconstruction. I hope that from this G7 meeting a strong and shared message for the protection of the Ukrainian cultural identity will come out”, he concludes.

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