BreizhMer, a new label for buying 100% Breton fish and shellfish

“Today, on the stalls, we are required to indicate a somewhat vague fishing zone which says nothing about the origin of the products, for example if the boat’s crew is Breton.”

Florian Thefaut, a fishmonger at the Criée rennaise, is one of the professionals to have opted for the new Breizhmer label officially launched a few days ago by the eponymous association.

“We want to be transparent with consumers”

Objective: to promote the Breton fishing industry, reassure consumers about traceability and compete with the increasing number of imported products. There are already around fifty member companies, from fishing, shellfish farming and fishmongering. For fish alone, this represents 20,000 tonnes, or a quarter of Breton production.


Recognizable by its blue label, this label is a guarantee mark, a legal qualification that ensures compliance with specifications filed and checked every year by an independent third-party organization. Professionals involved in the process must respect criteria related to origin, quality, but also environmental and social criteria. “We want to be transparent with consumers and explain our jobs. People don’t realize, for example, that it takes three years to raise an oyster,” explains Laurence Querrien, oyster farmer and co-president of the Breizhmer association.


200 products are already labeled. Consumers can find them mainly in direct sales, in markets and fishmongers. Breizhmer also aims to make a place for itself in supermarkets.

By Editor

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