There are 7 groups of causes leading to abnormal pregnancy and consecutive miscarriages, in which maternal age is the first factor. The older the pregnant woman, the higher the rate of abnormal pregnancy and miscarriage. For women aged 20-29, the miscarriage rate is about 10-11%, for women aged 30-35 it is 15%. This rate increases to 20% in women aged 35-40 and up to 50% in women over 40.

The second group of causes is genetic factors. The wife, husband or both have genetic abnormalities or chromosomal abnormalities that affect the formation of gametes. The abnormal embryo divides, leading to failed implantation or early miscarriage.

Many couples do not have genetic abnormalities but poor embryo creation results may be due to subjective and objective factors, including egg and sperm quality or embryo culture technology that has not optimized conditions for light, air, humidity, and pH. In addition, old-generation embryo culture equipment requires frequent opening and closing of the cabinet, which can affect embryo development. Embryo abnormalities are the group of causes that account for 50% of single miscarriages and 40% of multiple miscarriages.

The fourth group of causes is that women with a history of miscarriage have a risk of repeating this condition. In case of three miscarriages, the risk of miscarriage in the next pregnancy increases by about 30%.

The fifth group is women with abnormal coagulation factors, typically antiphospholipid syndrome (an autoimmune disorder characterized by arterial, venous, or microvascular thrombosis).

The sixth group of causes that increase the risk of miscarriage are internal abnormalities in the mother’s uterus, typically uterine adhesions, uterine septum, submucosal uterine fibroids…

Other environmental and lifestyle causes such as smoking, alcohol abuse, metabolic disorders such as thyroid, diabetes…

Dr. Dinh Thi Ngoc Ngan consults on treatment regimen for patients. Illustration: Nhu Ngoc

You have had 5 consecutive miscarriages, including both natural and IVF pregnancies, so a comprehensive health assessment of both you and your spouse is very important. You and your spouse should go to the Center for Reproductive Support at Tam Anh General Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City (IVF Tam Anh Ho Chi Minh City). In addition to clinical examination, female infertility doctors will order ovarian reserve tests, semen analysis, gene analysis and chromosome set analysis if necessary. You also need to further assess the risk of endocrine-related diseases, uterine condition, etc.

At IVF Tam Anh HCMC, the super clean “lab within a lab” system that meets ISO 5 standards helps embryos to be cultured in the most optimal conditions. The embryo culture cabinet system is equipped with continuous surveillance cameras integrated with artificial intelligence to help observe the entire embryo development process and score according to quality.

Pre-implantation screening techniques help select good quality embryos, free of genetic abnormalities, to transfer into the mother’s uterus. Before embryo transfer, diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed at the center, helping doctors detect abnormalities in the uterus, develop a new treatment plan for embryo transfer, and increase the chance of pregnancy and a healthy pregnancy.

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