Iria returns to Voghera to meet, with Del Vigo, Senaldi, Capuozzo, Zecchi and Castellane

Iria Incontra is back, the series of three conferences that will bring names of the caliber of Francesco Del Vigo, Pietro Senaldi, Toni Capuozzo, Stefano Zecchi and Boni Castellane to Voghera. A September, October and November on the banks of the Staffora that is intellectually hot. A winning team never changes and just as it did 365 days ago, the Department of Culture also wanted to continue in 2024 in the wake of what has already been achieved. In order to give continuity to the debate of ideas that sees the capital of Oltrepo’ at the center of the viaticum of thoughts and opinions.

“After involving names of the caliber of Francesco Borgonovo and Mario Giordano – we read in a note released by councilor Carlo Fugini – we have chosen this year to broaden the panorama and deal with various themes that concern current events, with Del Vigo and Senaldi, the drama of war explained to the youngest and adults, with Capuozzo, and finally we will talk about the evolution of language and the importance of words in today’s dialectic with the philosopher Stefano Zecchi and Boni Castellane”.

“Continuity – Fugini continues – is the watchword. Voghera in the cultural sphere has the will to become a privileged hub for the presentation of books and for the creation of debates that allow citizens to nourish that critical spirit that is fundamental to building the Italy of tomorrow. In the setting of the Biblioteca Civica Ricottiana and at the Museo Storico Giuseppe Beccari we will give space, just as we did in 2023, to journalists, reporters and intellectuals, encouraging the people of Voghera to engage with the great names of Italian knowledge”.

By Editor

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