Cooperative in St. Pauli: “We feel the financial gap first hand”

FC St. Pauli wants to keep up with its financially superior competition – and is founding a cooperative. Board member Miriam Wolframm explains how up to 30 million euros will be raised in this unusual way.

GmbH, GmbH & Co. KGaA, AG, AG & Co. KGaA – the legal forms of football clubs in the first and second leagues seem like a jumble of letters. Separate professional departments are now the rule rather than the exception, although the 50+1 rule continues to curb the influence of investors. FC St. Pauli, one of the last registered clubs in the top division, will now face the financial superiority of its competitors in an unusual way: the local club is founding a cooperative, and the project will kick off in the autumn. Miriam Wolframm, 43, is a passionate St. Pauli resident and has professional experience in marketing and business. This should now also help her as part of the four-person cooperative board.

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