Two patients were infected with Whitmore, also known as “flesh-eating” bacteria, during contact with water and mud while cleaning their living environment.

Among them, a 52-year-old male patient, residing in Thong Nhat commune, Ha Long city, with a history of good health, was hospitalized with fever, chills, and fatigue, Bai Chay Hospital informed on September 25.

Test results showed that the patient was infected with the “flesh-eating” bacteria Burkholderia Pseudomallei, which causes Whitmore’s disease (Melioidosis). The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists Whitmore’s as one of the most dangerous diseases that cause severe infection, multiple organ necrosis, septic shock, multiple organ failure and death if not treated promptly.

Doctors have treated the patient with intravenous antibiotics according to the protocol. Currently, the patient is stable, and the infection index has improved.

Patients infected with Whitmore disease are being treated at the Department of Tropical Diseases, Bai Chay Hospital. Image: BVCC

The remaining patient, 39 years old, also in Thong Nhat Commune, Ha Long City, has type 1 diabetes and is being treated at the Intensive Care and Anti-Poison Department.

Before being admitted to the hospital, the patient had difficulty breathing, fatigue for many days and high fever. Doctors examined and diagnosed severe metabolic acidosis and pneumonia. During treatment at the Intensive Care and Anti-Poison Department, the patient developed severe septic shock. Doctors actively treated him with antibiotics, vasopressors… Currently, the patient has escaped shock, his vital signs are stable and his fever has decreased.

According to Dr. Tran Quoc Tuan, Deputy Head of the Department of Tropical Diseases, Bai Chay Hospital, the Whitmore patients who had to be hospitalized for treatment this time had all been exposed to water and mud during the process of cleaning their living environment after the impact of Typhoon Yagi.

Because after the flood, countless microorganisms, garbage, waste in the water, mud, soil increase the risk of infection in the community, so doctors recommend that people need to ensure personal hygiene, environmental hygiene. When working in contact with contaminated soil, water or in an unsafe environment, it is necessary to use labor protection.

In particular, when patients have skin ulcers, symptoms such as prolonged high fever, fatigue, aching limbs, cough, abdominal pain, digestive disorders, loose stools… they need to go to a medical facility immediately for timely examination and diagnosis.

By Editor

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