Children should sleep at a fixed time every day, exercise, eat healthily, and limit exposure to artificial blue light in the evening to sleep well.

Sleep on a consistent schedule

Children get enough sleep to help increase concentration, awareness, and a happier spirit. Maintaining regular sleep and wake times also contributes to stabilizing hormones and the body’s biological rhythm, thereby helping your baby develop better height. Parents should train their babies to sleep early, at exactly one hour every day. This is to give children a resting reflex, helping them sleep easily in any condition.

Maintain healthy daytime habits

Daytime habits impact evening sleep. For example, children who are more physically active during the day fall asleep faster at night. Children with a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables often sleep more deeply than children who consume carbonated drinks rich in caffeine. Parents should encourage their children to participate in fun activities or exercise every day, and eat nutritious foods.

Keep the bedroom cool

A dark bedroom can regulate melatonin production, thereby helping children fall asleep faster and better. Parents should turn off all lights when sleeping and use curtains to block light and noise from the outside. If your family needs to sleep with the lights on, choose red or orange light which will stimulate the brain less. Babies can wear an eye mask when sleeping to block light and sleep better.

Turn on the fan or air conditioner at the right temperature to help your mind relax and your body to quickly fall asleep. When the temperature is too hot, children’s sleep is easily interrupted. Children’s body temperatures are often higher than adults, so mothers should dress their babies in cool, comfortable clothes when sleeping. Before putting children to sleep, adults can gently massage the back, legs, and arms to make the baby feel comfortable and at ease.

Parents should not give their children snacks or milk close to bedtime because they can cause bloating and make it difficult to sleep. Babies napping too much also affects the quality of their night sleep.

Avoid blue light

Blue light is an observable form of light, with short wavelengths in the range of 380-495 nm, from electronic devices such as computers, phones, and televisions. This type of light can regulate circadian rhythms (the body’s natural sleep and wake cycles).

However, using devices that produce artificial blue light in the evening disrupts the natural sleep-wake cycle by tricking the brain into not producing melatonin before bed. This makes the child feel less sleepy than necessary. Turn off the TV, phone, and computer about two hours before bed so your baby can avoid distractions and have time to rest.

By Editor

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