The ‘Bankruptcy robbery’ affair: Šušnjar ‘fell into’ USKOK’s secret measures

Economy Minister Ante Šušnjar fell into the ‘bankruptcy robbery’ affair during the investigation, Jutarnji list has learned.

Former bankruptcy manager Pero Hrka was accused in the affair. and the former president of the Zagreb Commercial Court, Vesna Malenica.

Namely, Šušnjar “fell into” secret measures implemented by USKOK. He is also mentioned by the fourth defendant, Miroslav Mitak, as Pera Hrka’s legal advisor in conducting negotiations regarding the financial settlement. Mitak was in conflict with Hrka.

According to the results of the investigation and the allegations of special investigation actions, Šušnjar initiated a series of meetings with Hrko that took place in the period from 2012 to 2017. In the press release of the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Economy, it is stated that Šušnjar performed his duties as a lawyer and invoked the legal privilege.

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